Month: April 2019

C# – Reading from Excel Spreadsheets with Asynchronous Programming (Async)

Reading from Excel in C# is actally not at tough as many VBA developers would assume. The simple reading is actually quite straightforward – there is only small little trick, requiring the adding of the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel reference to the Visual

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C# – How to get the last filled cell of a given row in Excel

Getting the last row of a given column in Excel with a formula or with VBA is quite a trivial task. It is explained here quite well 🙂 However, when we come to C#, the only “trick” that is provided

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C# – Find the Biggest Square in a Matrix – What can Excel and VBA add to it?

Finding the biggest square of specific units in a given matrix of these units is a standard dynamic programming problem. The examples in Google for it are above 18 million, thus I would simply show how it is done with

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