Excel with VBA is really a powerful tool. There should be some 5 more years, until Python really becomes a standard for the Excel people and I am not sure that it would actually happen that quickly. Anyway, working with…
Same article, but for Python is here – https://www.vitoshacademy.com/python-split-worksheet-to-worksheets-save-excel-worksheets-to-csv/ This article does 2 things: Splits one worksheet to multiple worksheets Then goes through the worksheets and saves them as *.CSV files I hope that is enough for you. Ok, so…
Option Compare in VBA is the thing, that will save you ugly stuff like this one:
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Sub Testing() Dim userInput As String userInput = InputBox("What is decimal 4094 in hex?") If UCase(userInput) = UCase("ffe") Then Debug.Print "You have correctly written " + userInput + "!" End If End Sub |
Yup, it is a bit ugly, using UCase to compare all the time, between small letter text and big letter text. So, if you…
Getting N-th string between two substrings might sound a bad idea, until you do not need it. And with VBA, you better have something prepared. So, imagine the following XML (from this article here):
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<FootballInfo> <row> <ID>1</ID> <FirstName>Peter</FirstName> <LastName>The Keeper</LastName> <Club name ="NorthClub"> <ClubCoach>Pesho</ClubCoach> <ClubManager>Partan</ClubManager> <ClubEstablishedOn>1994</ClubEstablishedOn> </Club> <CityID>1</CityID> </row> <row name="Row2"> <ID>2</ID> <FirstName>Ivan</FirstName> <LastName>Mitov</LastName> <Club name = "EastClub"> <ClubCoach>Gosho</ClubCoach> <ClubManager>Goshan</ClubManager> <ClubEstablishedOn>1889</ClubEstablishedOn> </Club> <CityID>2</CityID> </row> </FootballInfo> |
Your task is to get…
Transforming Range to Array in VBA is actually a one liner – we take the range and we assign it to a variant:
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Dim myRange As Range Set myRange = Range("a1").CurrentRegion Dim myArray As Variant myArray = myRange |
The “strange” part is that the array is converted to 2-dimensional array after this: and working…
Intersection of dictionary (or of any two lists) is a list with elements, that are present in both other lists. Thus, if we have the following 3 dictionaries in Python:
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dict_a = dict([('aa', 4139), ('bb', 4127), ('cc', 4098)]) dict_b = dict(aa=4139, bb=4127, ee=4098) dict_c = {'aa':12, 'bb':13, 'dd':23} |
Then, an intersection of their keys will contain only…
Check if folder is empty:
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Public Function FolderIsEmpty(myPath As String) As Boolean FolderIsEmpty = CBool(Dir(myPath & "*.*") = "") End Function |
Delete all files in a folder:
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Public Sub DeleteAllFiles(path As String) Kill path & "*.*" End Sub |
Create text file in a given path with text:
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Public Sub CreateTextFile(path As String, fileName As String, text As String) Dim fso As Object Dim file As Object Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set file = fso.CreateTextFile(path & fileName, True) file.WriteLine text file.Close End Sub |
All together:
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Sub Main() Dim path As String path = "C:\Users\Username\Desktop\New folder\" CreateTextFile path, "to_delete.txt", "some text inside the file" If Not FolderIsEmpty(path) Then DeleteAllFiles path End If End Sub |
Although there are plenty of other tools for extracting data from a website (take a look at Beautiful Soup), VBA is somehow good, because … well, because it is somehow challenging to do it every time. Yesterday, I answered a…
VBA – Make Excel Comments Beautiful
Everyone, who has worked with Excel more than a year knows that the comments are actually quite useful – they allow us to put info data into a cell, without actually putting data in the cell. However, the standard way…