Month: May 2019

Analyzing trends with map and reduce in Python

Editorial (from Vitosh): Lately, I have reviewed the Mastering Large Datasets book by J.T. Wolohan. The book is python based and it explains how to scale a data project, using the map and reduce to scale data projects. Long story

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Top VBA-Excel errors

Some months ago #VBA was finally considered the most dreaded language in the 2019 StackOverflow survey: One of the reasons for this, is probably that #VBA is quite too easy to enter, thus plenty of non-IT professionals feel fascinated about

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VBA – Abstract classes. Classes, that cannot be instantiated.

There are parts of #VBA, that can scare any VBA developer, who has not bumped into other languages. Although, the “abstract class” term is quite popular in C# and other languages, and is quite easy to be created, in VBA,

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