Month: January 2020

Python – What is the idea of “-1” in numpy reshape?

Today I was “fighting” with the numpy reshape function and I found something strange like matrix.reshape(1, -1). Thus, I have researched quite some time and I found, that the -1 is actually a placeholder for python to change the dimensions of

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Python – How to write string into a matrix. Printing a matrix.

Writing string into a matrix seems like a non-interesting and somehow trivial task. Anyway, manipulating with matrices and strings in Python is actually somehow interesting, thus I have decided to present a small algorithmic challenge.  The task is pretty much

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VBA – String.Format or how to put variables in a string

C#, Python, Java and all the other “fancy” languages have a built-in method, which writes variables into a string. VBA does not have one. Depending on why do we need it, and if we can guarantee that no injection would

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VBA – Make a list of the formula errors in an Excel

Errors in Excel are different – from “Division by Zero” (#Div/0) and #Name to #REF! and #Num.  There are lots of ways to summarize these into some kind of report and in the current article I will show the VBA

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