Month: April 2021

VBA – Printing Dictionary of a Dictionary of a Dictionary…

Working with dictionaries in VBA is a bit more unpleasant, than working with dictionaries with almost any other language. Because of the VBA IDE, you only see the keys, but not the values. Thus, if you have experience with Visual

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VBA – Automatically Save Excel File with VBA

Saving Excel files, when working with VBA is unfortunately a bit of pain the ass. You always need to make a new version every now and then, because it does not matter how seasoned VBA developer you are, still there

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VBA – Ubound of Multidimensional Array or How to Get What We Need?

Transforming Range to Array in VBA is actually a one liner – we take the range and we assign it to a variant:

The “strange” part is that the array is converted to 2-dimensional array after this: and working

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VBA and Python – Intersection of dictionaries

Intersection of dictionary (or of any two lists) is a list with elements, that are present in both other lists. Thus, if we have the following 3 dictionaries in Python:

Then, an intersection of their keys will contain only

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