Tag: union

VBA and Python – Intersection of dictionaries

Intersection of dictionary (or of any two lists) is a list with elements, that are present in both other lists. Thus, if we have the following 3 dictionaries in Python:

Then, an intersection of their keys will contain only

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Connecting SqlLite3 database to Python and Reading it

Connecting SqlLite3 database to a Python file is actually 1 line of code: conn = sqlite3.connect(r"C:\Users\database.db") I have used a database from sqllitetutorial.net, which was rather neat. Then DB Browser for SQLLite a LEFT JOIN was implemented, in order to unite the

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Sets in Python – Differece, Symetric Difference, Union, Intersection

After writing the article scraping a web site up to the N-th level with Python, I have decided to summarize what could be achieved with Set() in this language. Pretty much, sets can be described as lists with a few

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