Author: Sean Saito
Sean Saito is the youngest ever Machine Learning Developer at SAP and the first bachelor hire for the position. He currently researches and develops machine learning algorithms that automate financial processes. He graduated from Yale-NUS College in 2017 with a Bachelors of Science (with Honours), where he explored unsupervised feature extraction for his thesis. Having a profound interest in hackathons, Sean represented Singapore during Data Science Game 2016, the largest student data science competition. Before attending university in Singapore, Sean grew up in Tokyo, Los Angeles, and Boston.

Python – Balancing CartPole with Machine Learning

This article will show you how to solve the CartPole balancing problem. The CartPole is an inverted pendulum, where the pole is balanced against gravity. Traditionally, this problem is solved by control theory, using analytical equations. However, in this article, you’lllearn to solve the

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