Category: Golang

Go – Define Test Coverage in Golang – With Picture and Coverprofile – With YouTube Video

Ever dreamt to have a picture of the test coverage of your code? In green for the covered rows and red for the non-covered ones? No? Anyway, read this article to see what you have missed 🙂

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Go – Function that gets a website and returns its title – With ChatGPT

I took a look at that new ChatGPT and I can officially say – the future is now. Take a look at what it does, after writing it a simple nice request: The first result did not work, as it

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Go – “While Do” and “Do While” loops in go

Ok, so the golang language does not exactly have the word “while” in it. Anyway, the do-while and while-do loops can be easily implemented with a for loop. The main difference between the do-while and while-do is that in the

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