Python – Stock Dashboard with Streamlit and YFinance

Imagine that you want to have all the important historical financial information of yahoo finance on your PC. Well, in that case you would probably go there and check it. Anyway, if you are a person, who wants to create a customized dashboard with it, then you can use the streamlit library in python 🙂

In this article, we would show the code from the YouTube video, used for the creation of the Stock Dashboard with Python. Generally speaking, it is this one:

The way to call it is this one liner into the terminal – streamlit run

The beautiful dashboard looks like that:

Information about dividends and stock splits of MSFT for a 5 year period.

Stock price of AAPL chart.

MSFT price with 50-day moving average.

The turning this python tool into “live” and some additional interesting features of the yfinance library are presented in the video below:

Enjoy it! 🙂

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