Tag: regex

Python – Find All Substrings Between Two Character Pairs with RegEx

Sometimes you need to do what you need to do – use Regular Expressions for a trivial task. Now, imagine that you have some big text and you need to extract all substrings from the text between two specific words

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VBA – RegEx Used to Take the Valuable Data Out

Writing for RegEx in VBA is sometimes a good idea and sometimes a bad idea. Anyway, if you need to write one, you better be careful. These are the RegEx articles in VBA in VitoshAcademy so far: https://www.vitoshacademy.com/vba-regex-in-excel-part-2/ https://www.vitoshacademy.com/vba-regex-in-excel/ So,

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VBA – RegEx in Excel – Part 2

After the first part about RegEx in Excel lately I had to do something else with RegEx. The task was quite simple, pretty much called “stripping a string”. The idea is that you have a string and you should remove all

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VBA – RegEx in Excel

There is a well-known joke in the IT world – if you have a problem and you try RegEx to solve it, now you have two problems. Still, RegEx in VBA (and thus in Excel) exists as an additional library.

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