VBA Debugging – Video

I have decided to make a 19 minute YouTube video, to explain the basics of VBA debugging, as there are quite a few tricks that not everyone knows.

The agenda:

  • Properties Window -> F4
  • Immediate Window -> Ctrl + G
  • Project Window -> Ctrl + R
  • Run -> F5
  • Run Step by step -> F8
  • Run to cursor -> Ctrl + F8
  • Putting a stop -> F9
  • Removing all stops -> Ctrl + Shift + F9
  • Bookmarks
  • Jump away function -> Ctrl + Shift + F8
  • Jumping over function -> Shift + F8
  • Watch Window -> Shift + F9
  • Go to definition of the declared function -> Shift + F2
  • Go to previous cursor -> Ctrl + Shift + F2
  • Get parameter info -> Ctrl + i

The code:

Enjoy it! 🙂

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