Month: August 2018

Book Review – Java Script Recipies

Russ Ferguson and Keith Cirkel have managed to write an interesting book about JavaScript with some interesting knowledge. As I have read plenty of JS books and I have almost never worked professionally with JS, I am always eager to

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Excel – Get Top Row of a Multi Row / Mult Column Range

=VLOOKUP and =INDEX(MATCH(),MATCH()) are well known formulas, if you need to get some value corresponding to another value from a specific column. The problem comes, when you are having more than one column or row, and you need to locate the

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VBA – Read different levels of XML

After the article here for VBA – Select a Single Node XML now I am writing an update from it, which shows how to loop through all the nodes that we are interested in and get data from them. The XML is

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Python – Write Values in all Worksheets of existing Excel File

Working with VBA is usually not considered high level of programming. Still, when it comes to Excel, this is probably the best solution. However, Python has some libraries which can help a bit, if you are willing to “mimic” the

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