Category: JavaScript

HTML is a programming language. Just insert JS to start the party!

Migrate Vue project from Vue 2 to Vue 3

Bash Commands

Changes in src/main.js Additionally, change main.js  from this:

To this:

Changes in src/router/index.js After changes the code should be looking like this:

Changes in src/store/index.js This is how it should be looking:

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Book Review – Java Script Recipies

Russ Ferguson and Keith Cirkel have managed to write an interesting book about JavaScript with some interesting knowledge. As I have read plenty of JS books and I have almost never worked professionally with JS, I am always eager to

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JavaScript – Simple Progressive Web Application

Tomorrow I will be visiting the HackConf at Sofia, Bulgaria. Thus, today I was part of a workshop for Progressive Web Applications and I will try to summarize how to build an application, which simply displays something like the Facebook

Google Chrome Extension – Building a simple extension for VitoshAcademy.Com

In this article I will simply let you know, that has its own google extension now – it simply shows you  the last 10 articles in the site and it lets you know if there is a new one.

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jQuery Selectors – How to select by Id, by Element, by Class

“Working with jQuery is easier after one masters its selectors.” Paulo Coelho There are three main ways to select an element in jQuery – by element, by class and by tag. Thus, I have decided to create a simple web

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jQuery – Add And Remove to list, Generation of Random Text

In the current article I show how to make a simple adder and remover with jQuery to a list and how to generate a randomizator (not a real one, though!) with jQuery. We have three divs – my_main, my_adder, my_remover and

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JavaScript – Make a RegEx Text Tool

Plenty of Regular Expressions tools are available in the net. Most of them are free and quite quick. I have actually never thought that building such a tool can be done rather quickly, as far as the RegEx is part

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JavaScript – Map, Reduce, Filter. Functions in JavaScript

One of the New Years Resolutions, if I had one, would have been to learn JS this year. And as far as I am a VBA developer I automatically assume that I know the basics of it. But still, there

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JavaScript – Make a inheritance function

In JavaScript there are plenty of ways for inheritance. I can think of at least two. 🙂 However, a nice one is if you do everything “by the hand”. Thus, writing a function, that gets the inherited object and makes

jQuery – Make a simple background color picker

jQuery is probably the most popular JavaScript library. There is a reason for it – the community loves it, because it is quite understandable and useful. Today I have decided to come up with a solution of a homework from

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JS – OOP in JavaScript

JavaScript is probably the language that I have decided to specialize during the first half of the 2016. 🙂 Thus, today I have taken some 3 of the homework tasks of the SoftUni in the Advanced JavaScript Course, just to

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JavaScript – A function returning a function returning a function

Working with JS may be difficult for a beginner. Or for someone like me, who dares to think of himself as a … let’s call it not a beginner. 🙂 One of the strangest staff there, if you are coming from the

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jQuery, JS – Build a Probability Simulator

Some time ago a king needed money. So he gathered his advisors and told them to think of a new task. One of them offered to tax stupidity. The king asked one question – how. The guy came up with a

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jQuery Events – Trigger vs TriggerHandler

Let’s start from the very beginning in jQuery. Somewhere in the beginning there are events and buttons. So, I will start from there, explaining how to Trigger events and what is the difference between trigger and triggerHandler. Trigger triggers the event completely

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jQuery Mobile – Make a simple mobile web site

Building web sites is for at least 20 years a thing. Even I am able to build one, using WordPress without some advanced IT skills. Lately, I was into jQuery and thus I found something really meaningful and well written

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jQuery – Selector of a button with JavaScript

Today I have dealt again with JS, while reading some of the JS related books that I have to review 🙂 Thus, I have asked myself how many ways are there to make a button selector with JS/jQuery. After some

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Book Review – JavaScript – Frameworks for Modern WebDev

Some time ago, probably before one and a half months I have received the book JavaScript Frameworks for Modern Web Dev from the publisher Apress.Com for a review, upon a request of my site. The reason to ask for the book

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JavaScript – Create Ul and LI elements with JS (With chained function)

When you code in JS, there is always some time that you need to create some html list with JS from array or list or something else. I knew the trivial way with a simple for loop, but when I put myself

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JavaScript – Writing simple prototypes JS

JavaScript is really an interesting language – the more you code / learn it, the better it comes and the more interesting it turns out to be. I will preset a simple way of using prototypes with JS. Pretty much, if

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JavaScript – Some code for inheritance in JavaScript

The last month I am writing mainly small pieces of code for JavaScript, because I think I start to like the language somehow (and I took 3 books for review in JS and so far I have only reviewed one).

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JavaScript – How to make a module in JS

Making a module in JS is kind of interesting. Especially, if you expect something like a class like in VBA or C#. Well, it has nothing to do with it, it is just a function, assigned to a variable. In

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JavaScript – Some ways to build functions in JavaScript

There are plenty of ways to make functions in JS. However, the nicest ones are to assign the function to a variable and to call the variable. Why this is the nicest one? Well, probably because I cannot make something

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JS – Run Java Script in Sublime Text

Imagine that you are just a guy, interested in JS and your favourite text editor is Sublime Text. You need to find a way to code better, while learning and to display the results in the console of Sublime Text

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JS – Drop and display a file to a html

Javascript has a powerful event and DOM objects, that enable anyone to do fancy things with it. Today I have thought of writing a todo list in *.txt file and adding it to a *.htm file with javaScript. Something like this:

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JavaScript Sort Dictionary. Display Cookies.

So, the last few weeks I am putting some attention towards JavaScript, as far as it is really an interesting language, making some things fun. Furthermore, thus I am preparing better for the Book Reviews from, which have kindly

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JS – OOP in JS, made simple

JavaScript seems to be the language for me for December. Although I am really working with VBA only, JS has really a lot to show. Thus, today I will simply write some easy OOP samples, that I can use later

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JS – Another simple js game with counters and click events

Recently I have started to read a little more about JS, in order to make the reviews of some JS books. Thus, this December would be JS December (or at least the first part of it! 🙂 ). So, lets

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Book Review – Learn PIXI.JS

So, let the review begin 🙂 Pixi.JS is a rather small IT book of 200 pages, which you may read quite quickly, if you do not make the examples from the test code. However, this is an IT book, thus you

PIXI JS – Make a small game hitting boxes

So, as I have mentioned some time ago, I have started to read the book Learn Pixi.js, nicely provided to me from for a review. It is an interesting book and one of its best part is that its code is

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Angular JS – Just Another To-Do App

In the last year, I have made quite enough To-Do apps – just in I have published one with PHP with login functionality,  and I had quite a big project (about 3 days of coding from 3 coders ) here

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