Tag: database

Using API calls with VBA and Python to Read and Write to a Database

Using API calls with VBA and Python to write a database is actually a pretty decent architecture. Here, I would like to say that “It takes the best of the both worlds”, but the truth is that it takes the

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Adding data to SqlLite3 database with Python

After reading the database to python from the previous post here, it is time to do the ADD data to the database. Our database is created like this:

The database has autoincremented primary key, thus we do not need

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Connecting SqlLite3 database to Python and Reading it

Connecting SqlLite3 database to a Python file is actually 1 line of code: conn = sqlite3.connect(r"C:\Users\database.db") I have used a database from sqllitetutorial.net, which was rather neat. Then DB Browser for SQLLite a LEFT JOIN was implemented, in order to unite the

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ASP – Data Entry MVC Application with Database – Video

After the first video for MVC here, I have decided to make a next part, in which I save the entries to a database and display them:             Sounds like a tiny update. However, it

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