Tag: Jupyter

Solving Inequalities with Interval Method

Have you ever had a feeling you need to solve an inequality like this one ((x+6)^3)/(7-x)^5>0 and you did not know how to start? In the video at the bottom of the page I am showing the few steps needed,

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Python – Cramer’s Rule for Linear Equations – With YouTube Video

Creamer’s rule for a solution of linear equations states pretty much the following: Using this interesting picture from the German Wikipedia, I have created the following video, explaining a bit the Rule of Mr. Cramer: The video goes through the

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Python Slice Notation

Python Slice Notation is somehow easy and tough in the same way. Lately, I was doing some competitive programming with Python and I have decided to write a summary of the slice notation, thus there is always a place for

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Python – Customizing PyLab using Style

Learn how to customize PyLab using style in this article by Benjamin Walter Keller, a PhD candidate at McMaster University with BSc in physics with a minor in computer science from the University of Calgary in 2011. This article will delve

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