Tag: List

Python – Getting an Excel List of all Folders and Files in them

Getting a list of all folders within a given folder is actually a single line command. Writing it to Excel is usually another line. Getting all files, within these folders is not a lot as well. However, having a tool

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Python – Enumerate Lists in a Loop

Plenty of times, when you are looping with a for-each loop in python, you somehow realize that you need a counter. Then you most probably write something ugly like this one:

Why is this ugly? Mainly because the next

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Python – Write a DataFrame or List to multiple tabs in Excel

The idea of the article is to provide a Python code that does the following: Takes a list or DataFrame; Splits it into quite a few smaller parts; Writes each one on a separate Excel worksheet; Pretty much like this:

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Python Slice Notation

Python Slice Notation is somehow easy and tough in the same way. Lately, I was doing some competitive programming with Python and I have decided to write a summary of the slice notation, thus there is always a place for

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Find all HTML tags in a web page and print them from a sorted dictionary

Finding all HTML tags from a web page and recording these to a dictionary is magically easy task with Python (if you compare it with #VBA), when Beautiful Soup 4 is used. soup.find_all(True) loops through the tags and a simple

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VBA – ListBox in Excel – Adding, Editing and Removing Data

The idea of the article is to show how to add, edit and remove specific entries of the ListBox in Excel through VBA: ListBox is a control, which is available through Developer>Insert>ActiveX>ListBox in Excel: Once you add it, it has

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