Month: December 2014

Excel – Usage of Checkmark with formulas and custom formatting

Plenty of times, when I open some someones Excel files I see something as a check column, where you have only “YES” and “No” as values. They check something and if you are used to it, it can be quite

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VBA – Set a shorcut for VBA sub procedure (macro) in Excel

There are a few ways to set a shortcut for a macro. The easiest one is through the menu Developer> Macros > Options, select the macro and write the shortcut: However, there is a better way to do this – with

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VBA – Sum Values Entered in Excel Cell without Formula

For a reason, you may wish to simply add a value in an excel cell and to have it automatically summed with the value, that was previously present in the cell. This can be valuable, if you are building some

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VBA – Load Web Page from Excel

Sometimes you may wish to load a web page from Excel. Just for fun. Then you have probably googled it and you realized that the command “ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add” exists. Then you simply decided to try it but, something did not happen

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VBA – Create a toggle button with code

Sometimes, you may want a button to perform different actions. It is quite easy to make one with an On/Off, but when you would like to make a button, performing 4 different actions in VBA, the story goes a little

VBA – Usage of Classes and Properties

VBA is an object-oriented language. As such, it is quite OK to create classes and to assign properties to these classes there. In the current article I will show how to create a class “clsPC” with three properties – Processor, Video

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VBA – Drawing objects with VBA in Excel

How much time do you need to build something like this in Excel? At least 20 minutes + a lot of lost nerves for the formatting. Unless you use VBA and you build it within some seconds 🙂 Pretty much

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VBA – Working with external files in Excel

Every VBA programmer needs to know how to extract data from and to separate files. This is a really valuable knowledge, if you are building MS Office app, which is to be used by a third-party. In the current article I

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VBA Excel – String between two strings

Today I was looking for a solution, giving me the option to locate a string, defined between two strings. Pretty much the story of any developer’s life. So, I found a really useful resource, which helped me to build my

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C# – Building classes in C# – Video

In this article I present the second solution from the homework from SoftUni – – concerning classes in C#. This is the task: Define a class Laptop that holds the following information about a laptop device: model, manufacturer, processor, RAM,

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C# – Defining Classes Homework from SoftUni – Video

In the current article, I will show you the code of a solution of one homework from the SoftUni ( The solution is built in YouTube and you may take a look at it, if you want to hear me speaking

VBA – create a log sheet of Excel with specific actions

When you work with professionally built VBA tool, sometimes logging your actions (or the actions of some colleague) if the file is shared, can be of use. The idea is not to go into spying, but simply to check who

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VBA – VBA class modules for buttons

Code reusability is important in any programming language. The main idea is to write as little as possible for easier maintenance. And, as it sometimes happens, writing less is much more difficult, than writing a lot. In the current article,

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VBA – usage of user defined types

    Probably you have heard something about PHP. If you have, then you know that it supports arrays (and lists and anything you like) and you may declare any type of data in these. In VBA, usually the case

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