Month: May 2015

Python Django – How to add css to django application

So, some time ago I have started to create apps in Django with Python. It is really fun and amazing, what one can achieve with this package 🙂 E.g., I have generated a small app, counting words and analyzing their repeatability,

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Books – Free IT book from Pack Publishing Every day

Packt Publishing, one of the publishing houses, which kindly provides me books for reviews and personal needs, has decided to present anyone with a different free e-book every day. This means, that if you go to this link, every day,

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Python – Send e-mails with Python

Sending e-mail through the internet is quite a trivial trick in many programming languages. Some time ago, I have shown how to send MS Excel range as an e-mail and how to send a mail through VBA, with HTML. As far

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Python – SQL Alchemy or plain SQL ?

Using SQL in Python reminded me of the “fun” I used to have in VBA MS Access, when I had to concatenate strings in VBA. Probably I was not the only one having “fun” and enjoying it, thus some good and

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The owner of won a programming challenge

Yup, that is true! 🙂 I was one of the 5 people to successfully create a web crawler, crawling web sites and writing the server of these in a database. The challenge was posted by HackBulgaria. Here is the task

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