Month: August 2015

jQuery – a Simple Example With Two Links

Today I have started to take a better look at JQuery. And it seems wonderful! Indeed. Full of wonders 🙂 Thus, I have started to code something trivial – like the picture below: With JQuery, this click option of the

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Python – Algorithm from CodeForces – Bears and Blocks

Hello party people! 🙂 Today I was wondering whether I have forgotten to code in Python after 4 weeks of coding marathon in VBA and I have decided to try a small portion of the weekly challenge from CodeForces! So, the

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JavaScript – Format HTML with JavaScript code

Have you ever tought of formatting HTML with JS in stead of CSS? Why have you tought about it? Anyway, if playing with formats is your thing, here is a small example how to achieve the following picture with JS

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JavaScript – A function, calling a function! :)

Hallo Leute! 🙂 Today I was putting some more efforts in JavaScript, and I think I have finally realized how the how the trick with a function calling a function is actually done. Now, lets imagine the following easy scenario for

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Java Script – Basic Functions, Global Variables, Getting Elements by Tag Name, Event Objects

So, today I have made a pretty simple application – and the word pretty stands for small, not for a synonym of beautiful 🙂 The reason for making this application was my awful internet connection – I feel like I

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Java Script – Random pictures

Imagine that you are in a situation, on which you are wondering among 8 different choices. Thus, the following program would be able to help you take a solution. Or at least to check the way JS works with arrays,

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PHP – Issue yourself a certificate – PDF and PHP

As you are probably aware, this site is called VitoshAcademy. As far as the site is called this way, I have tought of finding a way to issue automatic certificates with PDF and PHP. And this is exactly what I am going

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PHP – Get data from XML to HTML file with PHP

Now continuing with PHP – today I will show you how to use a simple xml file and to get its data to a PHP file in the Internet. Not as difficult as it seems actually – XML files are

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PHP – Writing to a file with php

  Reading and writing always come together. Thus, after presenting the way to read from a file, now it is time to be able to write:   Writing in PHP is not a challenge, the only tricky part is to

PHP – Reading from a file into a HTML table

As I have already mentioned in a previous article here, lately PHP has attracted my attention. Thus, today I will show how to build a small HTML table from a txt file, using each line in the file as a

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PHP MySql – Getting data from a database into a HTML Table

Some time ago, about 10 days to be more precise, I have decided to take a better look at PHP and to try to understand why so many people hate it actually. After all, as a VBA developer (or if

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