Month: July 2018

VBA – Fill Numbers in a Given Range

So, the idea is the following –  imagine that you have an NxN range, which should be filled out with consecutive numbers. Thus, if the range is 6×6, you start filling the numbers normally and once you reach the 6.

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Format and Color Text in Excel Cell with VBA

Formatting a substring of a string in an Excel Cell is actually quite a challenging task. There are two ways to do it – select part of the substring that you wish to format and change its color. Then make

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How to Change Tab Color in Excel with VBA

Changing tab color of Excel is somehow useful. With VBA, it is easily programmed, as far as one can use the macro recorder to see the correct way to do it. However, if you need to change the color of

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VBA – Using Parameters in a VBA SQL Query To a Database

In this article I will simply use the code from my first guest author Mathieu, to build up some small working solution, that uses parameters: So, the two classes, provided by Mathieu are here as well  GitHub, named AdoValueConventer.cls and SqlCommand.cls.

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