Month: March 2021

Python – Class Variable vs Instance Variables

Class variables vs instance variables could seem a bit strange, if you have no OOP experience, but after a few thausand lines of code they become logical. So, in around two days of programming you will be getting it intuitively

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Python – Difference between __str__ and __repr__

__repr__  and __str__  dunders are quite similar in Python. If you need  a quick summary of these 2, then these 3 points will be enough: __repr__ dunder presents the class object, whenever it is called by the terminal __str__ dunder

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VBA – Make Excel Comments Beautiful

Everyone, who has worked with Excel more than a year knows that the comments are actually quite useful – they allow us to put info data into a cell, without actually putting data in the cell. However, the standard way

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VBA – IIF() vs IF()

What is the difference between IIF() and IF() in #VBA? The idea of IIF() is that it evaluates both the True and the False part of the condition, before evaluating the condition itself. Thus, if the False part throws an

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VBA – Hashing in Excel with HMACSHA1

Hashing strings in general is useful. It is one of the good things, that we get from granted by the various .Net libraries and we should not try to do on our own, as the HMACSHA1 is quite a powerful

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