Tag: oop

Object Oriented Programming with Python – YouTube video

Object oriented programming (OOP) in general is a huge topic, but I have decided to make a 30 minute video, based on the book Math for Programmers, as I liked the way it was explained there: Generally, in the video,

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Python OOP – Classes, Methods, Attribures, Composition, Inheritance

Have you ever dreamt about coding classes like a pro? No? You had “normal” dreams? Anyway, in the video below, I am solving 3 exercises with a lot of debugging and some basic tests. Exercises are from the book Python

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Python – Class Variable vs Instance Variables

Class variables vs instance variables could seem a bit strange, if you have no OOP experience, but after a few thausand lines of code they become logical. So, in around two days of programming you will be getting it intuitively

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Django – CRUD application with Python

Making a CRUD application with Python is actually one of the basic thing a Python Developer should be able to do. Although some may argue it is extremely basic – it is not. Requirements The basic requirements for this one,

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Python – Closure

In this article I am planning to give an answer of the following two questions: What is a closure? A closure is a function, inheriting variables from enclosing environment. Operationally, a closure is a record storing a function together with

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Python – Abstract Methods and Abstract Class – Live Coding Video

Abstract class and abstract methods are one of the pillars of Object Oriented Programming. In Python, an abstract class is a class, inheriting from Abstract Base Classes (ABC) library. And an abstract method is a method of this class, which

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VBA – Attributes. The high-end in VBA.

You have probably noticed, that whenever you export a class module from the Visual Basic Editor, you get some strange lines in the exported file, above the Option Explicit. This is something, that you have not written, but it is

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