Category: C Sharp Tricks

Why do Java developers wear glasses?
Because they do not C#.

C# – Serialization and Deserialization of JSON

Whatever they tell you C# is somehow a fancy language. One of the reasons for this is that you may use the hard work of plenty of other good developers for free and without even thinking of how to make

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C# – simple example of interfaces

After the previous article here for simple example of inheritance, today I have decided to write something similar for interfaces. Pretty much, interfaces are something similar that objects implement. 🙂 E.g., if you have keyboard and a phone, they both

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C# – Simple example of inheritance

Reading the C# 6.0. book for which I am preparing a review made  me think that I do not post a lot of C#  code. Thus, I have decided to prepare a simple C# example of inheritance with overriding. Let’s see

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C# – Greedy Algorithm from CodeForces

One may write a few chapters in an algorithmic book for greedy algorithms. The funny part about them, is that there are a set of algorithmic problems, where the greedy solution tends to be the best one. What exactly is

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C# – Algorithms – Find n-th divisor of an integer

The Codeforces contests are sometimes more challenging than expected, even for the first problems, which are supposed to be trivial. Well, they are not that trivial. In the 762. edition, the 1. problem was concerning the n-th divisor of an

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C# – LINQ – Remove duplicates from a list and ignore values from another list

My idea for the blog was to post some articles every now and then. But at least, I am trying to keep up to a schedule of minimum 1 article per week, to keep it alive. Thus, I have decided

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C# – Loop through Excel files and get data from them

C# and .Net were actually thought as the technology that was going to exchange VBA and make it useless. Well, it did not happen because of many reasons, mainly because plenty of companies still use macros and noone has the

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C# – LINQ – Example for LINQ initialization

Lately I am interested in C# again and thus I have taken a deeper look at LINQ (Language Integrated Query). My previous article, concerning it was here. I thought it was interesting, that the value in LINQ is calculated after

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C# – Loop through enum names in .Net

Ok, C# and .Net have features that people from the VBA world can only … dream about. In a way. I was recently taking a look at the Type.GetEnumNames()  function in .Net and I simply thought that it would be

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C# – Some simple example for threads

The idea here is to show a little bit about parallel programming and the way I understand it – as far as I am mainly a VBA developer, I do not understand it, because Microsoft did not think that it

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Code Forces – New Year and North Pole – A problem much easier than initially thought

In the new 2017 I have decided to take a new look at CodeForces and what do they bring us. After all, this is one of the very few “places” in the world, where you can compete with the world

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VBA – Add a C# library to a VBA project – Part 2

After writing the simple part here I think that it is a really good idea to introduce IntelliSense as well 🙂 Something like this in the code:   And like this is in the library:   The question is always one

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VBA – Add a C# library to a VBA project

For today I was thinking to present an algorithmic problem, but somehow I have decided to show something more useful. It is a Step-by-step instruction for the creation of a C# object in VBA. You know, that references, which you

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C# – Algorithms – Arpa’s hard exam and Mehrdad’s naive cheat

As mentioned some times ago, whenever I am looking for a subject to post, the easiest way is to go to and simply take a problem from the second division. If I manage to solve it from the first

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C# – Algorithms – Parade – is really a nice place you can learn stuff. Learning by doing is probably what man actually needs in programming. Thus, I have taken the 2. Problem of the 2. Division in CodeForces, as far as it seemed interesting

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C# – Algorithms – Grasshopper And the String –

Its Friday, the week is finally over and as far as I was planning to write an article per week or so, I have decided to write something. In these cases, when I do not have something prepared, I simply

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Codeforces – Problem A – Checking the Calendar

Today I have not been very productive, after all it is Sunday and a person should relax. However, I have noticed the Intel Code Challenge in CodeForces, thus I have decided just to try the first problem. The problem seemed trivial,

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C# – CodeForces Round 368 – Problem 1

I have not been blogging for a while, because I got a little deeper into reading the SQL books, which are waiting for review and thus I have decided to blog about something today. Initially, the idea was to write

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C# – Code Forces 367 – Problem 1, Division 2

Today, on this sunny Saturday I have decided to code a bit in order not to feel guilty in the evening, when I go out. Or something like this. 🙂 I came across of probably the hardest problem, given in

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C# – Datagrid View – C# connect application to DB in Visual Studio

Today I was looking a bit over SQL Server and Visual Studio and I have somehow liked the nice cooperation between these two. Thus, I have come up with the idea to build a simple application, just to demonstrate how

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C# – How Delegates Work

Coding in C# is always fun, when you come from the VBA Excel world. There is much cool stuff, which you see and then you start wondering – why is this not implemented in VBA and why should I write

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C# – Algorithm – Bear And Prime, Interactive Problem in CodeForces – Part 2

In Part 1 here I have shown the code that gives full points in the interactive CodeForces.Com problem for Bear And Prime.The trick is that writing hard-coded values in a code is really far away from a good practice in

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C# – Algorithm – Bear And Prime, Interactive Problem in CodeForces

On Wednesday I was participating in a round of the second division of Codeforces.Com and I managed to resolve 2 problems (1 completely, 1 not exactly completely :)). The third problem was written to be “interactive” and as far as

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C# – Algorithms – Bear And Finding Criminals (from CodeForces)

This Wednesday on 18:35 I did not have anything better to do than competing in I have just finished work at 18:00 and I managed to get home before the start of the competition and even to get a sandwich

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C# – Algorithms – Vanya and Label

On Wednesday I have participated in a competition and it was not as quite successful as I wished it to be. I managed to solve 2 problems and 1 of them was “hacked”, which means 1 problem. Anyhow, I was

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C# – Algorithm Solution for Vasya and String

I have not solved algorithm problems in a while and thus, I have decided to take a look at the latest not difficult problems Codeforces.Com. I somehow liked the problem for Vasya And String as far as it seemed quite easy

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C# – Unit Testing In C# – Fibonacci Example

Unit testing is fun. Somehow. At least in C# 🙂 As far as I am making a living mainly as a VBA developer and I am taking a look at other technologies, I am always somehow jealous of how sufficient and

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C# – LINQ, ForEach, Classes, Override

Some 2.5 years ago I have first written an article for LINQ, when I was learning it. Now, I was watching at some videos about algorithms and I realized I have not used LINQ in quite a while and I have

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C# – Three Algorithms For Fibonacci Numbers

In the current article I have decided to show three ways of calculating the Fibonacci numbers in C#. The reason for this is, because Fibonacci is usually given as an example for recursion and it is probably the worst way to

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C# – Enable Migrations in Visual Studio using Entity Framework

This article is rather small, but its target is to remind me how to enable migrations of database in Visual Studio. Thus, the steps are: Press Ctrl + Q to go to the quick launch. In the quick launch write

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