Category: EntityFramework

C# – Learn about advanced scenarios – ASP.NET MVC with EF Core

Exactly 1 month and 5 days after the first video tutorial for the ASP.NET MVC with EF Core series, the last 10th video tutorial, following the Microsoft ones, is published. It is about advanced scenarios, and I have mentioned the

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C# – Implementing Inheritance – ASP.NET MVC with EF Core

Slowly, after handling concurrency in the ASP.NET MVC application, we are approaching the end of the video tutorial series. Implementing inheritance is the prelast one and it is actually pretty an important one as well. In the video, the following

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C# – Handle concurrency – ASP.NET MVC with EF Core

After updating the related data in the ASP.NET tutorial, it is time for the next step – handling concurrency in the MVC Application. These are the points, followed by the video: Learn about concurrency conflicts Add a tracking property Create

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C# – Update related data – ASP.NET MVC with EF Core

After reading complex the data, it is time to be able to update it. This video fills the following points from the ASP.NET MVC tutorial: Customize Courses pages Add Instructors Edit page Add courses to Edit page Update Delete page

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C# – Read related data – ASP.NET MVC with EF Core – Video

After creating a complex data model, now it is time to display the data, following the tutorial. The task is actually a challenging one, as far as the data display is in a way partial – in the  “Instructors” view,

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C# – Create a complex data model – ASP.NET MVC with EF Core – Video

Creating a complex data model with the previous data model in ASP.NET is actually a challenging task. The model in general looks like this: It is not “extremely” complex, but it is something bigger than the previous 3 tables that

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C# – Using Migrations – ASP.NET MVC with EF Core – Video

Migrations in C# are quite well facilitated by the EntityFramework. In general, when an application with databse is created, initially the database model is taken from the model classes. When these models classes change, then they get out of sync

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C# – Add sorting, filtering, and paging – ASP.NET MVC – Video

Sorting, filtering, paging and summary of an app are quite important features. In this video, which is a continuation of the Microsoft tutorial, I present step-by-step how to do each one of these. It is quite a large video, but

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C# – Implement CRUD Functionality – ASP.NET MVC with EF Core – Video

This is the second video of the Microsoft tutorials, for ASP.NET MVC with Entity Framework Core: Continuing the previous video, in this one the following tasks are carried out: Customize the Details page Update the Create page Update the Edit

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C# – Get started with EF Core in an ASP.NET MVC Web App – Video

Lately, I have started with creating video tutorials for ASP.NET. Thus, today it is time to deep dive in the ASP.NET once again, following the Microsoft tutorial for ASP.NET MVC Web App from here. In the video below, the following

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C# – ASP.NET Core MVC Application with Basic Database Access using Entity Framework – Video

The title somehow looks like random words, picked from a hat at one of those college games we are not supposed to talk about. Anyway, at the second reading it hopefully becomes a bit clearer. And it is simply the

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C# – Entity Framework – Using LINQPad for Queries – Just Getting Started

After the previous two articles for C# – Foreign Keys in Entity Framework – Code First – Query with Linq and Entity Framework – Linq vs Extension Methods (Example) it is a good idea to present some actions with LINQPad. LINQPad5 is

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C# – Foreign Keys in Entity Framework – Code First – Query with Linq

In this article, I present an Entity Framework example, building two tables with foreign keys, using code first. The sample I am using is building over the previous article for EF. Pretty much, when you are running your application, if

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Entity Framework – Linq vs Extension Methods (Example)

This article presents a simple example of querying with Linq and Extension Methods in Entity Framework (EF). To set the EF, create a C# Console application. Then add the Package Manager Console from Tools: Then run Install-Package EntityFramework in the Package

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Entity Framework – C# – CodeFirst – Video

After the first two videos for C# Entity Framework (Video 1 and Video 2) I have decided to make a small one for the Code First approach. I have used the materials of SoftUni here, mainly concentrating on problem 3.

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Entity Framework – C# – Introduction – Video – Part 2

After the first part of the SoftUni homework for Entity Framework here, I have decided to make a small video with the next 4 problems. Following the same logic, I have made a 30 minute YouTube video with the trial

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Entity Framework – C# – Introduction – Video

I have started some time ago to do stuff with Entity Framework (EF) in VitoshAcademy, I even have two articles about it – Beginning with EF and Enable Migrations with EF. I have noticed that the SoftUni is having an EF course,

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C# – Enable Migrations in Visual Studio using Entity Framework

This article is rather small, but its target is to remind me how to enable migrations of database in Visual Studio. Thus, the steps are: Press Ctrl + Q to go to the quick launch. In the quick launch write

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