Tag: Entity Framework

C# – Create a complex data model – ASP.NET MVC with EF Core – Video

Creating a complex data model with the previous data model in ASP.NET is actually a challenging task. The model in general looks like this: It is not “extremely” complex, but it is something bigger than the previous 3 tables that

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C# – ASP.NET Core MVC Application with Basic Database Access using Entity Framework – Video

The title somehow looks like random words, picked from a hat at one of those college games we are not supposed to talk about. Anyway, at the second reading it hopefully becomes a bit clearer. And it is simply the

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Entity Framework – Linq vs Extension Methods (Example)

This article presents a simple example of querying with Linq and Extension Methods in Entity Framework (EF). To set the EF, create a C# Console application. Then add the Package Manager Console from Tools: Then run Install-Package EntityFramework in the Package

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Entity Framework – C# – CodeFirst – Video

After the first two videos for C# Entity Framework (Video 1 and Video 2) I have decided to make a small one for the Code First approach. I have used the materials of SoftUni here, mainly concentrating on problem 3.

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Entity Framework – C# – Introduction – Video – Part 2

After the first part of the SoftUni homework for Entity Framework here, I have decided to make a small video with the next 4 problems. Following the same logic, I have made a 30 minute YouTube video with the trial

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C# – EF – Beginning with Entity Framework

What is Entity Framework? If we take a look at Wikipedia, it says Entity Framework (EF) is an open source object-relational mapping (ORM) framework for ADO.NET. What does it mean? Pretty much, magic. 🙂 You make some classes in C# and

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C# – Enable Migrations in Visual Studio using Entity Framework

This article is rather small, but its target is to remind me how to enable migrations of database in Visual Studio. Thus, the steps are: Press Ctrl + Q to go to the quick launch. In the quick launch write

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