Category: CodeForces

One of the best web sites for algorithm challanges. Supports almost every programming language, still VBA is missing.

Algorithm testing system, reading from text file with VBA

For the people, familiar with my blog, it is known that usually I am resolving problems from  Codeforces supports plenty of languages, unfortunately VBA is not one of them. Thus, I have decided to build up a small algorithm

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VBScript Simple Program – Problem in CodeForces

In order to learn a language, the best way is to practise it! Thus, I have decided to challange myself to solve a task on CodeForces with VBScript.  As far as VBScript is not one of the official CodeForces languages

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C# – CodeForces – Tell Your World

Y = mX+B This formula is the basics of the Cartesian coordinate system. And about 70% of the knowledge, needed to solve problem B in the 2. Division of CodeForces. The problem looks like this: There are n points on a coordinate

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C# – CodeForces – Odds and Ends

The first problem in CodeForces, division 2 is usually an implementation problem. This means that after reading it, a Joe-average algorithmic person would know how to write it in less than 5 minutes. Or so I thought, before seeing this

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C# – CodeForces – Two TVs

Having two TVs is great. Or it used to be in the 90s. Anyhow, the latest problem in CodeForces that I have resolved was concerning a guy with a schedule of TV shows, which he was planning to watch on his

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C# – CodeForces – Luba And The Ticket

Magic tickets are considered the tickets in which the sum of the left digits is equal to the sum of the right digits. E.g., if you ticket is number 124016 it is a magic ticket, because 1+2+4 = 0 +

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C# – CodeForces – Game of Rows has become something like a hobby – instead of thinking about a topic for an article, I simply solve a problem there and blog about it. Thus, lately I have taken a look at Round 428, Division 2, problem

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C# – CodeForces – A. Mister B and Book Reading

Codeforces has easy and tough questions. However, the easy are not always easy, but the tough are always tough. Thus, after writing the Excel article here for Sumproduct, I have decided to go a bit easy and start with the

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C# – CodeForces – Okabe And Boxes

CodeForces has people working 24/7, trying to come up with interesting problems for the IT community. Thus, it’s always challenging to take a look at these problems and to try to solve them. The latest problem I have faced was one

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C# – CodeForces – Okabe and Banana Trees

It does not happen a lot, but this time the 2. problem  of CodeForces really made me rethink my life choices and made me feel a bit sorry that I was in a school where we studied Maths about 4 hours

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C# – CodeForces – Karen and Game

Karen and Game is the third article about Karen. In a row. Pretty much, someone in CodeForces has created 7 different problems with her, thus the Japanese lady is getting famous. This time the problem looks like this: The game is

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C# – CodeForces – Karen and Coffee

If you are following this blog you are probably asking yourself Who the beep is Karen? and why do I write a 2. article about her in a row? 🙂 Well, that’s Karen and she obviously likes coffee: Karen was the main

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C# – CodeForces – Karen and Morning

Its Sunday and it is time for CodeForces. Today I have taken a look at round number 816, Problem A. The problem initially looks rather easy and you think that nothing can go wrong, until you do not try it.

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C# – CodeForces – An express train to reveries is a web site for competitive programming. One of the 2 really famous sites in internet. Yesterday I was fighting with a the problem 2 in Division B from competition number 814 for about 1 hour, until I have managed

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