Category: C++

C++ vs ++C

C – File Finder – Tiny C Projects

Back in ancient times, one of the most popular MS-DOS utilities I wrote was the Fast File Finder. It wasn’t particularly fast, of course. But it did the job of finding a file anywhere on the PC’s hard drive when

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Book Review – Clean C++

Time has passed since my last review in VitoshAcademy and thus I have requested a new great book from for a review. Although I am not a C++ developer (and I have never been paid to develop on anything

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Codeforces – Problem 798A – Checking the Calendar

After reviewing the Meller watch, it’s time for some more IT related stuff in the blog.  Thus, I have decided to do what I usually do when I want to write some article and I do not know what to

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VBA vs C++ function – which one is faster in Excel?

Comparing the speed of VBA and C++ in general is quite not fair. Its like comparing the speed of a military jet and a Boeing 767. But still, it’s interesting to see how much C++ is faster in Excel’s native

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C++ – Adding C++ function to VBA/Excel

After adding a c# library to VBA I have decided to take a look how to do a similar trick with C++. C++ is a bit fancier in a way. And it works somehow else. So, let’s start. Imagine that we

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