Tag: Basic Exam

VBA – Resolving C# competition problem with VBA and Excel

Today I have decided to resolve one of the competition problem of the C# basics exam of the SoftUni (www.softuni.bg) with Excel. I have shown how I have resolved a similar problem in C#, where you should have drawn a glass

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C# – Basic Exam – Wine Glass

As mentioned in the previous two articles, here (Biggest Triple) and here (Fruit Market) I have participated in one competition for C# basic programmers. So, in this article I will present the 3rd exam problem, which I have managed to

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C# – Basic Exam – Biggest Triple

As I have mentioned here, I have participated in a competition for C# programmers. The second problem was concerning something quite standard – finding the biggest triple from a line of numbers.  With other words, one get as an input the

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C# – Basic Exam – Fruit Market

On the 14.04.2014 I have applied for the SoftUni – a Software University in Sofia, Bulgaria. There were 5 C# problems and I managed to resolve completely 3 of them, thus gaining 300 points and being ranked in 278 place

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