After the first part of the SoftUni homework for Entity Framework here, I have decided to make a small video with the next 4 problems. Following the same logic, I have made a 30 minute YouTube video with the trial…
I have started some time ago to do stuff with Entity Framework (EF) in VitoshAcademy, I even have two articles about it – Beginning with EF and Enable Migrations with EF. I have noticed that the SoftUni is having an EF course,…
Just a day ago I have participated at an exam, organized from SoftUni for SQL server. The exam can be found here and the questions for it are here. In the current article I will present my answers from the first part…
Today I have decided to resolve one of the competition problem of the C# basics exam of the SoftUni ( with Excel. I have shown how I have resolved a similar problem in C#, where you should have drawn a glass…
On 27. July I have participated in an exam organized by the SoftUni for Java Script. This time, I managed to get 220 points out of 400, which ranked me in 58th place out of 204 participants for the day and…
As I have mentioned in the previous post, I have participated in a Java Script competition from the SoftUni, where I made it to the top 31% of the competition 🙂 (not something to be extremely proud of, but considering…
In the last java articles I have solved (or commented) the exam problems, given at the Java exam at the SoftUni. I have started with the easiest tasks (in my opinion) and I have gradually came to the toughest ones.…
In this article, I will comment the original solution for the Pythagorean numbers problem from the SoftUni Java contest. You have the following input – first a number N, telling you how many numbers you would have. Then you simply…
This trivial task was given at the SoftUni exam for Java. There are not a lot of problems that I can solve, but this one was definitely one of them 🙂 So, what is the input and what is the output? At…
As you have probably noticed, this is probably my 5th or article, concerning Java Exam problems from the SoftUni. Today, I will take a deeper look into a problem, which is supposed to calculate the best sum of triangles. The…
After a week or so, I have started to master Java, as a part of the courses at the SoftUni. Today, I tried to resolve one of the problems, given about 3 weeks ago at the exam – CountBeers. The…
Today, I was participating in my first Java Exam at the Software University! It was definitely NOT a success, as far as I had huge problems installing Eclipse and I was actually not able to run it properly before entering…
As mentioned in the previous two articles, here (Biggest Triple) and here (Fruit Market) I have participated in one competition for C# basic programmers. So, in this article I will present the 3rd exam problem, which I have managed to…
As I have mentioned here, I have participated in a competition for C# programmers. The second problem was concerning something quite standard – finding the biggest triple from a line of numbers. With other words, one get as an input the…
On the 14.04.2014 I have applied for the SoftUni – a Software University in Sofia, Bulgaria. There were 5 C# problems and I managed to resolve completely 3 of them, thus gaining 300 points and being ranked in 278 place…