Tag: classes

Object Oriented Programming with Python – YouTube video

Object oriented programming (OOP) in general is a huge topic, but I have decided to make a 30 minute video, based on the book Math for Programmers, as I liked the way it was explained there: Generally, in the video,

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Python OOP – Classes, Methods, Attribures, Composition, Inheritance

Have you ever dreamt about coding classes like a pro? No? You had “normal” dreams? Anyway, in the video below, I am solving 3 exercises with a lot of debugging and some basic tests. Exercises are from the book Python

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Python – Defining Classes and Methods with Python – LiveCoding Video

Today I have decided to check whether I can pass the first homework from SoftUni OOP with Python, through a live coding session. I have not read the problem before the video, thus I may say it took me exactly

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