In the current article, I will present a few useful commands, for the Linux(Ubuntu) terminal. The article is going to be updated constatly with new entries:)
Here they come:
command | action/result |
ctrl + l | clear console |
cd | double click OR change directory |
ls | shows all files or folders |
ls -a | shows hidden files as well |
cat | prints the text of the file at the console |
ctrl+alt+T | opens the terminal |
mv | rename file |
touch | creates a file |
pwd | print working directory |
mkdir -p~projects/…/… | makes the directory |
Python Related
command | action/result |
python3.4 | starts Python |
gt;gt;> | not a command but the Python REPL (Read Evaluate Print Loop) |
Ctrl+D | exit Python |
Python3.4 {name of file} | takes the file and executes it |
Java Script and Git related
command | action/result |
install bootstrap | bower install bootstrap -save |
npm initialize | npm init |
bower initialize | bower init |
install express | npm install express -save |
install nodemon | sudo nodemonnpm install -g nodemon |
push for a git | git push origin master |