Today, some hours ago I saw the implementation of the A* search algorithm with Java, made by a classmate (or colleague) of mine. It looks like this:
Thus, I have thought that for the reading of the Python Algorithm book, it may be a good idea to remember how algorithms were made 🙂 Thus, instead of using Python, which makes a lot of things easy, provides outstanding and easy to use lists, dictionaries and anything a VBA programmer may dream of, I have decided to make a tribute to the good old VBA.
Before continuing, I remember that I have not mentioned the Hack Bulgaria Conference in Sofia, so I have to fix this bug a little. If by any chance you are going to Sofia on 18.09.2015 then this is a must-see! 🙂
Back to the VBA. So, what did I do? At first I have started to go around the net to see whether someone has something similar. Nothing similar with VBA was found at the first page of the Google results, thus I have decided to dedicate my evening for this. (Actually two evenings, as far as at the end I have somehow deleted the code).
So, I have been able at the end to provide the following beautiful picture of the A* path finding:
So, how does it work? You “create” the obstacles in the path finder with simply selecting the cells, which you want to be obstacles. Then you start the macro, and it sets automatically the start and end points on the two corners (red is start, green is end). In order to set different dimensions for the labyrinth, you may adjust the two constant values for C_COLUMNS and C_ROWS.
I have decided not to use arrays, because I do not like the way Excel treats them (true story), thus the whole data for the “cost” of the possible achieving of the result, plus the “parent” cell were simply written in the excel file within the cell.
Thus, the visualization was better. 🙂 At the end, once the path was found, I simply went back, coloring the “parents” of the cell.
The code has really plenty of points for improvement:
- Its size can be really made 2-3 times less;
- I have to make the font colors in the same color as the background colors
- The A* implementation can be improved. It does not select the best path always, I am aware of it. This is because I am ignoring the rule, that the diagonal cells cost 14 units and the straight cells cost just 10. When I have time, I will fix it. Or not.
Pretty much that is it. And the funny moment now – as far as I was really tired yesterday, when I was writing this article, somehow I have forgotten to save the Excel as *.xlsm and I have lost the code. Thus, I have decided to recode it today 🙂 Yup, the only more insane thing than writing A* algorithm with Excel is writing it twice.
But now I have the code, plus 2-3 nice pictures. Here they are:
The start (walls are simply selection in Excel – you know, press control)
The A* is running
The End
So, pretty much that is all. Here comes the code of the app and the app itself (I would not download a script file from any internet site, thus think twice before doing so) and the GitHub code.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 |
Option Explicit Public Const C_COLUMNS = 60 Public Const C_ROWS = 20 Public cell_start As Range Public cell_end As Range Public Sub Main() Dim cell_current As Range Dim l_smallest_path As Long Dim l_col As Long Dim l_C_ROWS As Long Call Reset Set cell_current = cell_start Do While True If check_for_success(cell_current) Then Exit Do Set cell_current = find_possible_smallest_path(cell_current) cell_current.Style = "Input" Loop Do While True cell_current.Style = "Accent2" If check_for_success(cell_current, False) Then Exit Do Set cell_current = Range(Split(cell_current, "*")(0)) Loop Call AdvertiseHere Set cell_start = Nothing Set cell_end = Nothing Set cell_current = Nothing End Sub Public Sub Reset() Dim sName As String Cells.Delete Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(C_ROWS, C_COLUMNS)).Name = "Playground" Set cell_start = Cells(1, 1) Set cell_end = Cells(C_ROWS, C_COLUMNS) [playground].Style = "Neutral" [playground].RowHeight = 14 [playground].ColumnWidth = 2.3 [playground].WrapText = True Call MakeProblems cell_start.Style = "Bad" cell_end.Style = "Good" End Sub Public Sub AdvertiseHere() Range(Cells(C_ROWS + 1, 1), Cells(C_ROWS + 1, C_COLUMNS)).Merge Range(Cells(C_ROWS + 1, 1), Cells(C_ROWS + 1, C_COLUMNS)) = "!" Range(Cells(C_ROWS + 1, 1), Cells(C_ROWS + 1, C_COLUMNS)).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter End Sub Public Sub MakeProblems() Selection.Style = "Accent1" End Sub Public Function check_for_success(ByRef cell_current As Range, Optional b_going_back As Boolean = True) As Boolean Dim my_cell As Range '3 If cell_current.Column < C_COLUMNS Then Set my_cell = cell_current.Offset(0, 1) check_for_success = ChangeCellData(my_cell, b_going_back, cell_current) If check_for_success Then Exit Function End If '4.5 If cell_current.Column < C_COLUMNS And cell_current.Row < C_ROWS Then Set my_cell = cell_current.Offset(1, 1) check_for_success = ChangeCellData(my_cell, b_going_back, cell_current) If check_for_success Then Exit Function End If '6 If cell_current.Row < C_ROWS Then Set my_cell = cell_current.Offset(1, 0) check_for_success = ChangeCellData(my_cell, b_going_back, cell_current) If check_for_success Then Exit Function End If '7.5 If cell_current.Column > 1 And cell_current.Row < C_ROWS Then Set my_cell = cell_current.Offset(1, -1) check_for_success = ChangeCellData(my_cell, b_going_back, cell_current) If check_for_success Then Exit Function End If '9 If cell_current.Column > 1 Then Set my_cell = cell_current.Offset(0, -1) check_for_success = ChangeCellData(my_cell, b_going_back, cell_current) If check_for_success Then Exit Function End If '11.5 If cell_current.Column > 1 And cell_current.Row > 1 Then Set my_cell = cell_current.Offset(-1, -1) check_for_success = ChangeCellData(my_cell, b_going_back, cell_current) If check_for_success Then Exit Function End If '12 If cell_current.Row > 1 Then Set my_cell = cell_current.Offset(-1, 0) check_for_success = ChangeCellData(my_cell, b_going_back, cell_current) If check_for_success Then Exit Function End If '1.5 If cell_current.Column < C_COLUMNS And cell_current.Row > 1 Then Set my_cell = cell_current.Offset(-1, 1) check_for_success = ChangeCellData(my_cell, b_going_back, cell_current) If check_for_success Then Exit Function End If Set my_cell = Nothing End Function Public Function ChangeCellData(ByRef my_cell As Range, ByRef b_going_back As Boolean, cell_current As Range) As Boolean If my_cell.Style = IIf(b_going_back, "Good", "Bad") Then ChangeCellData = True If my_cell.Style = "Neutral" Then my_cell.Style = "Calculation" my_cell = cell_current.Address & "*" & distance_to_success(my_cell) End If End Function Public Sub ColorNeighbours(cell_current) End Sub Public Function distance_to_success(my_cell As Range) As Long distance_to_success = Abs(my_cell.Row - cell_end.Row) + Abs(my_cell.Column - cell_end.Column) End Function Public Function find_possible_smallest_path(ByRef current_cell As Range) As Range Dim my_cell As Range Dim my_result_cell As Range Dim l_result As Long l_result = 1000000000 Set my_result_cell = Nothing For Each my_cell In [playground] If my_cell.Style = "Calculation" Then If Split(my_cell, "*")(1) < l_result Then l_result = Split(my_cell, "*")(1) Set my_result_cell = my_cell End If End If Next my_cell Set find_possible_smallest_path = my_result_cell Set my_result_cell = Nothing End Function |
Enjoy it! 🙂