Some one year ago there was something called Bayan 2015 Contest, published in Thus, I have decided to solve one of the contest problems with VBA in Excel. And actually, as expected I have managed to do it! 😀
Here is the contest link of the problem
The problem looks like this:
The final round of Bayan Programming Contest will be held in Tehran, and the participants will be carried around with a yellow bus. The bus has 34 passenger seats: 4 seats in the last row and 3 seats in remaining rows.
In order to keep track of the people who are on the bus, the event coordinator needs a figure showing which seats are going to be taken by k participants. Your task is to draw the figure representing occupied seats.
The only line of input contains integer k, (0 ≤ k ≤ 34), denoting the number of participants.
Print the figure of a bus with k passengers as described in sample tests. Character ‘#‘ denotes an empty seat, while ‘O‘ denotes a taken seat. ‘D‘ is the bus driver and other characters in the output are for the purpose of beautifying the figure. Strictly follow the sample test cases output format. Print exactly six lines. Do not output extra space or other characters.
So, what did I do? An Excel formula, getting the input and giving the output. Of course, the font must be a console font, where all signs take the same width and height. Pretty much like this:
What I do in my code? I simply take the bus as an array of strings and I change each seat correspondingly to taken or to not taken. The trick is to know which is the next seat, as far as the last row has 4 seats and the others have 3. That’s why I have so many conditions. If you run the public sub TestBus(), you would get all the possibilities in the console :D.
Long story short – that is it! 😀
Here comes the code:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 |
Public Function WriteString(ByVal n As Long) As String 'Lucida Console or Consolas Dim v_Bus() As Variant Dim s_char As String Dim i As Long Dim l_col As Long Dim l_row As Long n = n - 1 v_Bus = Array("+------------------------+", _ "|......................|D|)", _ "|......................|.|", _ "|........................|", _ "|......................|.|)", _ "+------------------------+") For i = 0 To 33 If i > n Then s_char = "#" Else s_char = "O" End If If i < 4 Then l_col = 0 ElseIf i = 4 Then l_col = 1 Else l_col = (i - 2) / 3 End If If i <= 3 Then l_row = i Else l_row = (i - 4) Mod 3 End If If (l_row = 2 And l_col <> 0) Then l_row = l_row + 1 Mid(v_Bus(l_row + 1), (1 + l_col * 2) + 1, 1) = s_char Next i WriteString = draw_bus(v_Bus) End Function Public Function draw_bus(v_Bus As Variant) As String Dim i As Long For i = LBound(v_Bus) To UBound(v_Bus) draw_bus = draw_bus & v_Bus(i) & vbCrLf Next i End Function Public Sub TestBus() Dim l_counter As Long For l_counter = 1 To 34 Debug.Print l_counter Debug.Print WriteString(l_counter) Next l_counter End Sub |