Month: April 2017

Codeforces – Problem 798A – Checking the Calendar

After reviewing the Meller watch, it’s time for some more IT related stuff in the blog.  Thus, I have decided to do what I usually do when I want to write some article and I do not know what to

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Review – Meller Watch

As a blogger I review software and IT books quite a lot. Thus, I have decided to switch a bit to something else. E.g. – reviewing gadgets and anything interesting. 🙂 Thus, the first item I managed to obtain for

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VBA vs C++ function – which one is faster in Excel?

Comparing the speed of VBA and C++ in general is quite not fair. Its like comparing the speed of a military jet and a Boeing 767. But still, it’s interesting to see how much C++ is faster in Excel’s native

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C++ – Adding C++ function to VBA/Excel

After adding a c# library to VBA I have decided to take a look how to do a similar trick with C++. C++ is a bit fancier in a way. And it works somehow else. So, let’s start. Imagine that we

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Oasis SVN – Software Review – with Video! :)

In VitoshAcademy I try to be on the edge of VBA technologies. Unfortunately, this is not that difficult, as far as VBA is really like the hated child of Microsoft – it works quite a lot and it does a pretty

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Book Review – Practical Microsoft Visual Studio 2015

My friends from have provided me again with a great book upon my request! Thus, it is time for the review. In general, I was awaiting 190 page book with Visual Studio shortcuts and quick tricks. Even, I was

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Review – vbWatchdog – professional error tracking tool

As a VBA Developer, I am always interested in the latest technologies in the VBA world. This is not that difficult, as far as there is not plenty of new stuff there, thus whenever I see something interesting, I try

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News – .Net Summit in Munich with VitoshAcademy

VitoshAcademy is opening new horizons! In the beginning of May, I will go to Munich, to participate in the .Net Summit and just to see where the German .Net professionals stand.  The event is in Munich and is divided into

Excel VBA – Floating Point Numbers in Excel – Not Exact

Everyone works with floating point numbers daily. If you go at a supermarket, the prices are like this: 11 eur 29 cents, 23 eur 35 cents and etc. As a C# developer and a blogger, I knew that there is some

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C# – EF – Beginning with Entity Framework

What is Entity Framework? If we take a look at Wikipedia, it says Entity Framework (EF) is an open source object-relational mapping (ORM) framework for ADO.NET. What does it mean? Pretty much, magic. 🙂 You make some classes in C# and

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