Month: August 2019

C# – Using Migrations – ASP.NET MVC with EF Core – Video

Migrations in C# are quite well facilitated by the EntityFramework. In general, when an application with databse is created, initially the database model is taken from the model classes. When these models classes change, then they get out of sync

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C# – Add sorting, filtering, and paging – ASP.NET MVC – Video

Sorting, filtering, paging and summary of an app are quite important features. In this video, which is a continuation of the Microsoft tutorial, I present step-by-step how to do each one of these. It is quite a large video, but

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C# – Implement CRUD Functionality – ASP.NET MVC with EF Core – Video

This is the second video of the Microsoft tutorials, for ASP.NET MVC with Entity Framework Core: Continuing the previous video, in this one the following tasks are carried out: Customize the Details page Update the Create page Update the Edit

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C# – Get started with EF Core in an ASP.NET MVC Web App – Video

Lately, I have started with creating video tutorials for ASP.NET. Thus, today it is time to deep dive in the ASP.NET once again, following the Microsoft tutorial for ASP.NET MVC Web App from here. In the video below, the following

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C# – Create a web app with ASP.NET Core MVC – Video

Creating a web application with ASP.NET could look as a hard task. Still, with the pre-built MVC models from Visual Studio, the task is a bit easier. This is how the application looks like, with 2 search buttons and fully

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C# – Create a web API with ASP.NET Core – Video

Web API with Visual Studio 2019 is quite a bolierplate task – it is doable in less than 45 minutes, following the tutorial: The video tutorial is here: The TodoController , implementing the CRUD actions looks like this:


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C# – ASP.NET Core MVC Application with Basic Database Access using Entity Framework – Video

The title somehow looks like random words, picked from a hat at one of those college games we are not supposed to talk about. Anyway, at the second reading it hopefully becomes a bit clearer. And it is simply the

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VBA – Longest Palindromic Subsequence Algorithm with Excel – GIF

After writing about the longest palindromic substring, now it is time to see the longest palindromic subsequence. What is the difference? Pretty much, if we take the word abracadabra: the longest substring is ada in abracadabra the longest subsequence is

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ASP – Data Entry MVC Application with Database – Video

After the first video for MVC here, I have decided to make a next part, in which I save the entries to a database and display them:             Sounds like a tiny update. However, it

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VBA – Longest Palindromic Substring Algorithm with Excel – GIF

The longest palindromic substring algorithm exists since 1975. It is different (and easier) than the longest palindromic subsequence. The idea of the substring is to return “anana”, if “bananazorro” is given. This is achieved with a 2 dimensional boolean array matrix and

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C# – xUnit Test Implementation in Fibonacci Calculation – Video

Good software comes with tests. Fortunately, Visual Studio 2019 provides quite nice ways to test the software you are creating. One of these is xUnit – Thus, I have decided to make a video, showing how to implement xUnit

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