Tag: simple

Python API With Flask And Postman – Put and Delete Methods

In the previous article, the post and get API methods were presented. In this one, Put and Delete are coming. 🙂 Well, nothing that fancy, this is how these two methods look like:

And, of course tests are a

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Python – Make a simple API with Flask and Postman

Flask is actually really a powerful tool for making an API. In the video below, you would see how quickly I am building an API, that does four really simple functions. The functions are – saying “Hello”, multiplying a number by

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Django – Making a simple web app with 4 links

The idea of the article is to show how to make a simple Django App, with 4 links, each of which navigates to a specific page. The whole code of the “app” is in GitHub, here: https://github.com/Vitosh/Python_personal/tree/master/JustProject. In general, these are

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C# – ASP.NET Core MVC Application with Basic Database Access using Entity Framework – Video

The title somehow looks like random words, picked from a hat at one of those college games we are not supposed to talk about. Anyway, at the second reading it hopefully becomes a bit clearer. And it is simply the

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C# – CodeForces – Okabe and Future Gadget Laboratory

CodeForces is a nice website for anyone, who likes checking himself vs the top developers worldwide. It’s even separated into divisions, thus, they kindly provide 3 easy questions and 5 hard. Although, I do not know anyone who can call

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