Java – Exam – Congate Words

Some time ago, to be more honest last Sunday, I participated at some Java exam again. The results were not something to boast, quite on the contrary, but I did not have a lot of time to prepare πŸ™‚ The contest was hosted by the SoftUniΒ and the tasks were quite tough. At least this time I knew how to debug in Eclipse, so I did not waste time to learn it πŸ™‚

The Java problem, which I had to resolve was concerning words.


Pretty much, you have a string as input where you should consider all the latin characters as words. You should return all triples, in which two words together make a third one. It is probably better to see the original examples in order to understand:

Example Table

Yup, I am probably the only person in the world, who knows enough HTML to format a table and still prefers to make a screenshot of it. Pretty much, I managed to resolve the problem after some time. This was my approach:

  1. I read the string;
  2. I replaced everything, which is not a latin character with a space (with a Regex πŸ™‚ );
  3. In order to avoid some misunderstanding, if there were some places with more than one space, I replaced them with one space;
  4. I split by the space to make a string array;
  5. Then came the real part – I started three loops, which gave me values for aΒ ,Β b and c;
  6. Then I made the check for the condition;
  7. I wrote the solution in one ArrayList;
  8. I checked the frequency of my solution in the ArrayList;
  9. If the frequency was 1, I printed it;
  10. If I printed anything, I increased the counter plus one;
  11. At the end I made a check whether the counter is 0, in order to print “No” if true;

Here is the outstanding code:

Pretty much I could have reduced a pair of lines, but I really thing it is a smooth decision.

The original solution was a bit better:

  1. It used HashSet<String> – thus, you do not have to check whether the value is unique or not;
  2. The reading of the first line and the split into an array is done in one line;
  3. I like the way the boolean check is declared and given value;
  4. Also, the original solution works with less variables, thus it should be faster;

Pretty much, this is how it looks like:

Enjoy it responsibly! πŸ˜€

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