Month: November 2018

Python – Balancing CartPole with Machine Learning

This article will show you how to solve the CartPole balancing problem. The CartPole is an inverted pendulum, where the pole is balanced against gravity. Traditionally, this problem is solved by control theory, using analytical equations. However, in this article, you’lllearn to solve the

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VBA – RegEx Used to Take the Valuable Data Out

Writing for RegEx in VBA is sometimes a good idea and sometimes a bad idea. Anyway, if you need to write one, you better be careful. These are the RegEx articles in VBA in VitoshAcademy so far: So,

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VBA – AutoMacro AddIn – VBA Software Review

VBA is extremely underestimated programming language. I have always been thinking that there are almost no real #VBA developers, because the “real” developers do not want to do some meaningless “macro” stuff and the people who work with #VBA are

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NumPy Fast Operation and Computations

LearnNumPy fast operation and computations in this article by Alberto Boschetti, a data scientist with expertise in signal processing and statistics and Luca Massaron, a data scientist and marketing research director specialized in multivariate statistical analysis, machine learning, and customer

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Build, Test, and Deploy with Zappa

Learn how to build, test, and deploy a Python web service using Zappa in this article by Abdulwahid Abdulhaque Barguzar, a software architect and an active contributor to the open source community. He has developed a deep understanding of architecting

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