Tag: Excel

VBA – How to implement workbook events in Excel – GIF

The Excel Workbook object is a part of the Workbooks collection. The events are the code, which is “activated” or “triggered”, once a specific event happens. These events are different and could be unlimited, but there are a few built-in Workbook

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VBA – Color Only Half of the Border of an Excel Cell

Coloring the border of an Excel cell is a trivial task. The LineColor feature in Excel is easy to use out of the box: However, whenever half of the cell needs to be colored, the trick is a bit more tough

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VBA – Longest Palindromic Subsequence Algorithm with Excel – GIF

After writing about the longest palindromic substring, now it is time to see the longest palindromic subsequence. What is the difference? Pretty much, if we take the word abracadabra: the longest substring is ada in abracadabra the longest subsequence is

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VBA – Insert an image/picture in Excel and position it correctly

Inserting an image to Excel with VBA is actually one line: ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Pictures.Insert ("C:\Users\myPic.png") The interesting part happens, when it should be correctly positioned. In order to position it the way we want, we need to give 3 parameters – the image

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VBA – Put a Collection inside a Scripting Dicitonary OR Make an Updateable ComboBox

The idea of the article is to make an updateable combobox, which takes all the keys of column A and writes them to the ComboBox. Then, upon selection of the corresponding values in the combobox, it provides the corresponding values

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VBA – ListBox in Excel – Adding, Editing and Removing Data

The idea of the article is to show how to add, edit and remove specific entries of the ListBox in Excel through VBA: ListBox is a control, which is available through Developer>Insert>ActiveX>ListBox in Excel: Once you add it, it has

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VBA – Reverse words in a sentence

Reversing words in a sentence with VBA in Excel is quite easy, using the built-in StrReverse function. StrReverse takes a string and reverses it. Thus, “VitoshAcademy.com” becomes “moc.ymedacAhsotiV”: The idea of reversing the order of the words in a sentence

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Top VBA-Excel errors

Some months ago #VBA was finally considered the most dreaded language in the 2019 StackOverflow survey: One of the reasons for this, is probably that #VBA is quite too easy to enter, thus plenty of non-IT professionals feel fascinated about

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VBA – Abstract classes. Classes, that cannot be instantiated.

There are parts of #VBA, that can scare any VBA developer, who has not bumped into other languages. Although, the “abstract class” term is quite popular in C# and other languages, and is quite easy to be created, in VBA,

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C# – Reading from Excel Spreadsheets with Asynchronous Programming (Async)

Reading from Excel in C# is actally not at tough as many VBA developers would assume. The simple reading is actually quite straightforward – there is only small little trick, requiring the adding of the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel reference to the Visual

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VBA – Data scraping from Internet with Excel – Part 2

Some time ago I wrote an article for Data scraping from Internet with Excel , which was scraping book information from amazon.com, based on a given word. Thus, for a keyword as “VBA”, this is the data, printed in the immediate

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VBA – Add Shape to Range in Excel

Adding shapes to a range in VBA with Excel is actually a trivial task, if you are aware of the Shapes.AddShape method. It has 5 parameters, 4 of which could be pretty easily remapped to the parameters of the range:

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VBA – Animation with Excel

Animation consists of some pictures. In general, there are about 24 pictures per second, in order to do the “magic”. This could be easily automated with Excel, using  Application.Wait (Now + #12:00:01 AM#), if we agree to make it a bit old-fashioned, with 1 picture

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VBA – RegEx Used to Take the Valuable Data Out

Writing for RegEx in VBA is sometimes a good idea and sometimes a bad idea. Anyway, if you need to write one, you better be careful. These are the RegEx articles in VBA in VitoshAcademy so far: https://www.vitoshacademy.com/vba-regex-in-excel-part-2/ https://www.vitoshacademy.com/vba-regex-in-excel/ So,

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Add comments in Excel with VBA

Adding comments with VBA is somehow quite a trivial task, if you already have the text of the comment and you are allowed to delete the comment if it is present. In general, the only difficult part is the check,

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Excel – Get Top Row of a Multi Row / Mult Column Range

=VLOOKUP and =INDEX(MATCH(),MATCH()) are well known formulas, if you need to get some value corresponding to another value from a specific column. The problem comes, when you are having more than one column or row, and you need to locate the

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VBA – Fill Numbers in a Given Range

So, the idea is the following –  imagine that you have an NxN range, which should be filled out with consecutive numbers. Thus, if the range is 6×6, you start filling the numbers normally and once you reach the 6.

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Format and Color Text in Excel Cell with VBA

Formatting a substring of a string in an Excel Cell is actually quite a challenging task. There are two ways to do it – select part of the substring that you wish to format and change its color. Then make

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How to Change Tab Color in Excel with VBA

Changing tab color of Excel is somehow useful. With VBA, it is easily programmed, as far as one can use the macro recorder to see the correct way to do it. However, if you need to change the color of

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VBA – Select Multiple Cells in a Excel Range

Selecting multiple cells in Excel through VBA may be quite a difficult task. Although, using Select is not always a good practice, sometimes it should be done. To generate some numeric values, let’s run the following:

After this, we have

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VBA – Simulation of Rolling Dices

Excel and VBA are a powerful tool for simulation. The idea is to simulate dice throwing and to keep the best N throws as our score. Other model variables are Times I roll, which stands for how many times do

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VBA – Hide the Named Ranges in Excel

Named ranges are really nice parts of Excel – you just give a name to the range and you start referring it by it. No more Z56 or AM31, the ranges start having names the way you like them. So, one

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VBA – Markov Chain with Excel example

Markov model is a a stochastic model describing a sequence of possible events in which the probability of each event depends only on the state attained in the previous event. Wikipedia This is a good introduction video for the Markov

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VBA – How to Change Merged cell in Excel with Events

The worksheet events which are built within VBA are quite useful. One may build them quite easily in Excel and they work satisfactory. However, let’s imagine, that you have a merged cell as in the picture above and you want

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.Net – Reading Excel file in C# and transferring it to a matrix

There is an ERP joke, claiming that the third most popular button of an ERP system is “Export to Excel” (after OK and Cancel). Thus, working with Excel from .Net is happens often. There are some pitfalls, that you should

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VBA – Delete / Remove rows from a specific worksheet in Excel

Imagine one of the most trivial tasks in Excel – remove rows from Excel, for which contain the number 1 in their first column. Or in the column below, these are the rows, which are selected. If you are familiar with

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VBA – Formulas in Excel LocalFormula

The formulas in Excel, used through VBA are not easy. You need to write a string like “=IFERROR(OR((1=A1),(2=A2)),””No Error””,””Error””)” and this is really not easy and fun to debug. Furthermore, if it is false, VBA will nicely throw a runtime

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VBA – Difference between Trim, VBA.Trim, =Trim() and WorksheetFunction.Trim

Trimming is a function, that reduces spaces. There are at least 4 ways to Trim a string in Excel/VBA: Trim VBA.Trim =Trim() WorksheetFunction.Trim Thus, is there a difference between these 4 actually? This is what MSDN says about String.Trim: Returns

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C# – Looking for a value in Excel with C# & VisualStudio

Using Visual Studio and Excel is actually quite fun – the Visual Studio advanced environment provides a bit more possibilities than the Visual Basic Editor, built-in Excel. In this article, about a year ago I have shown how to loop

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VBA – Why Range.Find() sometimes mistakes January with November and Febrary with December?

After writing that the built-in Find() function in VBA does not return the first value by default, a new interesting case with the Find function appeared. In order to simulate it, the following task could be imagined: Write the first

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