There is a lot over the Internet, written for the dates in Excel, VBA and SQL Server, but still, there is quite much to be written. In general, it all has started, when the developers of Lotus 1-2-3 have decided…
Creating triggers in SQL Server with T-SQL is both easy to be done and efficient 🙂 Thus, sometimes DB developers tend to write more triggers than needed and the efficiency sinks a bit. In this article I will simply write…
Just a day ago I have participated at an exam, organized from SoftUni for SQL server. The exam can be found here and the questions for it are here. In the current article I will present my answers from the first part…
There is a simple way in VBA and in Python to create tables in the database you need, giving the tables a name of a variable and the type of a variable. In SQL Server, we also have a way…
I have started to explain tricks with SQL Server in a series of articles about a week or two ago. Today I will use a database, mentioned in a previous article. Get data below average The task is to get top…
So, after starting with SQL Server custom views, SQL Server Triggers, SQL Server Procedures and Functions, now it is time to pay some attention to SQL Transaction as well. What are transactions? Microsoft says the following:  A transaction is a single…
About 6 months ago I wrote about the way to create a log sheet in Excel with VBA. Nowadays, as far as I am doing a small upgrade from MS Excel to MS SQL Server 🙂 , I was interested…