Month: June 2015

SQL Server – Procedures and Functions in SQL

So, continuing from yesterday with the SQL Server subject, it is time to introduce some nice ways of writing functions and procedures in SQL. What is the idea, behind the functions and the procedures in SQL? Pretty much, I would

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SQL Server – create trigger to log changes in DB

About 6 months ago I wrote about the way to create a log sheet in Excel with VBA. Nowadays, as far as I am doing a small upgrade from MS Excel to MS SQL Server 🙂 , I was interested

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SQL Server – Create Custom View in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

Speaking about SQL, I have noted something really interesting in MS SQL Server Management Studio, which would probably be of use in MS Access as well. This is the saved custom view. It is not present in MS Access, but

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SQL Server – Generate data in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

The legend says that when the chess was invented, the inventor was asked to pick a price from the local king. Thus, he asked for one grain for the first cell of the chess board, 2 for the second, 4

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SQL Server – How to generate sql script from a db

If you are interested in DB development, then most probably you have tried to generate a sql script from your database. In this article I will show you how to do it with Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. So, lets

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Python – Algorithm Challenge – First Day At School

Yesterday, I have started to solve problems from a challenging Russian site for programming competitions. Today, I have decided to spend about 30 minutes on another problem, which seemed easy, but I am already spending hours on it, without being able

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Python – Algorithms About Palindromes

About 3 weeks ago, I have enlisted myself in some course for algorithms. There, one of the guys mentioned a web site for web contests and I have decided to take a look. The site is called and the

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C# – Heap Sort Algorithm

The last week I was fighting with algorithms again. 🙂 Thus, I had to implement the mighty heap sort in C# and here is what I came up with. The idea of the code below is the following: In line 68

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News – The Ultimate Review Team has been summoned for first video review

The Ultimate Review Team has been summoned today to make reviews of Sony Z2 and SWR30. Take a look at our epic selfie: The Beauty, the Geek and the Mighty Pig made 4 terrific video reviews (in their own opinion!) which

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Python – Times the dice is same as previous or next

  Today, after playing some interesting board games, I was wondering about some probabilities with dice. As far as I did not want to calculate them with statistics methods (and it is always funnier to make a simulation), I have

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C# Algorithms – Phone Book Implementation – List of int and string with a tuple

Today I had to write a solution of the following problem – imagine you have two lists like this:

  What I needed to write was a program, printing the names of the users in liNumbers. Something like this. As

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C# Algorithms – Calculation of Squared Root with Binary Search

Binary sorting is something trivial in algorithms – it is trivial, because a lot of people know how to do it, but because even those who claim to be the professors in algorithms and be the wise guys in the area

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C# Algorithms – Usage of Nested Lists and TryGetValue of Dictionary

Since the beginning of the month, I am visiting a course called Algorithms. As far as I have to work with one of the following languages – C#, C++, Java or Python and somehow Python is rather slow for such

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C# Algorithms – Bubble Sort

After working out Selection Sort, Count Sort and Insertion Sort, I have decided to continue with the last easy sorting method – Bubble Sort in C#. The other advanced sorting, using recursion can also be found here, but I am

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Python – ABC analysis for linguists in Django

How did it all start? When I was a student at the University of Sofia, I had to translate about 100 pages of the Greek Military Codex, which was quite an unpleasant task (if someone claims the opposite – run away from

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C# Algorithms – Selection Sort and Count Sort

After writing yesterday about the insertion sort algorithm with Python here, today I have decided to continue with the algorithms. Thus, I have decided to take a look at two other simple sorting algorithms – Count Sort and Selection Sort.

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Linux – Install MonoDevelop for Ubuntu and Mint

This is probably the shortest article I have written. After some time trying to install an environment for C# in my Mint and my Ubuntu systems, I found out the following: the name of the environment is MonoDevelop. the installation

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Python Algoritm – Insertion Sort with Python

As I have already mentioned, the following 2 months I will be dealing with algorithms! Thus, I have enlisted myself in a course for them and I will be spamming my site constantly with some useful (mainly for me) stuff

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Python3.4 – Advanced Reading from Files

About 15 weeks ago, I was making my first steps in Python (sometimes it is a pity that I do not have dates on my articles, but I like it this way).  During my first steps, once I had the

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Python – Encryption and Decryption of a message

This month I have finished with my Python course in HackBulgaria, thus I have decided to continue with a course, called Algorithms.  The course had a requirement of three tasks, which should be resolved in a reasonable time. The first one

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Python Algorithms – Stable Matching Problem

Some time ago I started to interest myself in algorithms. Thus, I bought 2 books about them and I started to read 🙂 The first problem in the first book was explaining the Stable Matching Problem. The essence of the problem is that

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Book Review – Excel VBA 24-Hours Trainer

Some days ago, I have received the book Excel VBA 24-Hour Trainer for a review, upon a request from my site. After all, as far as it has all started with VBA for me, I am always interested in the latest trends on

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News – Strategic partnership with for reviews of gadgets

As you have probably noticed, I have reviewed quite a few books during the last two years in which I have started the site. The number of Amazon reviews is about 16 and currently there are two books waiting for a review.

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