Month: June 2014

Java – Exam – Congate Words

Some time ago, to be more honest last Sunday, I participated at some Java exam again. The results were not something to boast, quite on the contrary, but I did not have a lot of time to prepare 🙂 The

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Book Review – Learning Android Intents

During the last few weekends I was busy reading the book “Learning Android Intents“. As far as I am kind of developer with NO Android dev. experience, the book was interesting for me, due to the fact that it is

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Java – Exam – Couples Frequency

In the last java articles I have solved (or commented) the exam problems, given at the Java exam at the SoftUni. I have started with the easiest tasks (in my opinion) and I have gradually came to the toughest ones.

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Java – Exam – Pythagorean Numbers

In this article, I will comment the original solution for the Pythagorean numbers problem from the SoftUni Java contest. You have the following input – first a number N, telling you how many numbers you would have. Then you simply

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VBA – Mailing Excel Range as attachment

In this article I will show some easy code, that you can embed in your Excel tool, if you want to send its used range as an attachment. The code, I present is a little hard-coded, but it can be

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Java – Exam – Longest Odd-Even Sequence – Challenge!

As you probably know, for a long time (about 5 weeks) I started to learn Java from scratch. Today, I have decided to take a look at one of the exam problems at the Software University and I have spent some

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VBA – Counting Strings – Function

After 5 articles, concerning Java I decided that it is time to write one for the VBA – the language which many programmers do not consider such, and yet it is  powerful tool, if you are an Excel or Access

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Java – Exam – Three largest Numbers

This trivial task was given at the SoftUni exam for Java. There are not  a lot of problems that I can solve, but this one was definitely one of them 🙂 So, what is the input and what is the output? At

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Java – Exam Problem – Largest 3 Rectangles + Some Eclipse Shortcuts

As you have probably noticed, this is probably my 5th or article, concerning Java Exam problems from the SoftUni. Today, I will take a deeper look into a problem, which is supposed to calculate the best sum of triangles. The

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Java – Exam Problem – Beers Count

After a week or so, I have started to master Java, as a part of the courses at the SoftUni. Today, I tried to resolve one of the problems, given about 3 weeks ago at the exam – CountBeers. The

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Java – Exam Problem – Simple Expression

Last Sunday I was taking part in Basic Java Exam at the SoftUni. I managed to get 130 points (out of 400) and thus to be somewhere in top 50% of the participants. I had 100 points at this problem,

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Java – Exam Problem – Video Length

As I have already mentioned in this article, I have had a small fiasco at the Java Exam of the SoftUni. Anyway, I managed to pass the exam, so actually if I manage to graduate in my certificate Java would

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VBA – Quick Formatting with Smart Indent

We all know that any fancy environment (and by “any” I mean only Visual Studio and Eclipse) has a shortcut for quick formatting. This was bugging me a little, because MS Office does not have one and I had to

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Java – Exam – Sum of Cards

Today, I was participating in my first Java Exam at the Software University! It was definitely NOT a success, as far as I had huge problems installing Eclipse and I was actually not able to run it properly before entering

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Expected Book Review – Learning Android Intents

This week I have finally bought a smart phone 😀 Thus, I will start reading the book “Learning Android Intents”, so you can expect its review in two or three weeks!

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