Category: JQuery

“You should definitely use JQuery for that. It’s really great and it does all the things.”

Book Review – Pro PHP and jQuery

A little less than two months ago I was kindly provided with the second edition of the book Pro PHP and jQuery for a review. I have about 2 years experience with both technologies, although I am making a living mainly

jQuery Selectors – How to select by Id, by Element, by Class

“Working with jQuery is easier after one masters its selectors.” Paulo Coelho There are three main ways to select an element in jQuery – by element, by class and by tag. Thus, I have decided to create a simple web

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jQuery – Add And Remove to list, Generation of Random Text

In the current article I show how to make a simple adder and remover with jQuery to a list and how to generate a randomizator (not a real one, though!) with jQuery. We have three divs – my_main, my_adder, my_remover and

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JavaScript – Make a RegEx Text Tool

Plenty of Regular Expressions tools are available in the net. Most of them are free and quite quick. I have actually never thought that building such a tool can be done rather quickly, as far as the RegEx is part

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jQuery – Make a simple background color picker

jQuery is probably the most popular JavaScript library. There is a reason for it – the community loves it, because it is quite understandable and useful. Today I have decided to come up with a solution of a homework from

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jQuery – Forms And Automatic Selectors

Although VitoshAcademy is not an  Academy, there should be some educational stuff. Thus, in this article I have decided to put something educational. 🙂 Let’s see how to make a simple selector in jQuery, which updates below some text, based

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jQuery – Who is following who application (in GitHub)

Stalking other people is creepy. Probably. The social media makes its money on this, so it cannot be that bad. Or this is one of the reasons why social medias are bad? Anyhow, today I have decided to come up with an

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jQuery, JS – Build a Probability Simulator

Some time ago a king needed money. So he gathered his advisors and told them to think of a new task. One of them offered to tax stupidity. The king asked one question – how. The guy came up with a

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jQuery Events – Trigger vs TriggerHandler

Let’s start from the very beginning in jQuery. Somewhere in the beginning there are events and buttons. So, I will start from there, explaining how to Trigger events and what is the difference between trigger and triggerHandler. Trigger triggers the event completely

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jQuery Mobile – Make a simple mobile web site

Building web sites is for at least 20 years a thing. Even I am able to build one, using WordPress without some advanced IT skills. Lately, I was into jQuery and thus I found something really meaningful and well written

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jQuery – Selector of a button with JavaScript

Today I have dealt again with JS, while reading some of the JS related books that I have to review 🙂 Thus, I have asked myself how many ways are there to make a button selector with JS/jQuery. After some

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AJAX – JQuery – PHP – JSON – Get data from DB with AJAX

Some time ago I have made a simple ToDo list with PHP here. Today, using its database and one function from the list, I have decided to make the todo list with Ajax. This means, that you should not refresh

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jQuery – Build a background with changing pictures with jQuery

So, animation in jQuery is a powerful thing! 🙂 Indeed. In the current article, I will show you the code, which I have used to produce the following beautiful video. It is just a few seconds, but you may still

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jQuery – A simple game with JQuery events

Working with JQuery becomes interesting, after you get some ideas what to do and you see how easy it is to build it. Although the code below can be made about 8 times less, I have really enjoyed copying and

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jQuery – DOM – InsertBefore, PrependTo and other examples

So I have tried to learn a little about jQuery and its DOM functions and this is what I have managed to do today – an example with “insertBefore”, “prependTo”, “insertAfter” and “appendTo”. Pretty much that is what the example

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JQuery Strange Game – A way to tease yourself with JQuery events

The idea here is to try to start the YouTube clip, which is embedded in the light blue square, just bellow the jelly fish. I am using mouseout, mousemove and click events with JQuery to illustrate their way of working.

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JQuery – Select First, Last, Nth, Second Children

Ever wondering how to select children in JQuery? No? Then skip to the next article. My case is the following – I present a div with divs, and I try to select its children, changing the borders and the background.

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