So I have tried to learn a little about jQuery and its DOM functions and this is what I have managed to do today – an example with “insertBefore”, “prependTo”, “insertAfter” and “appendTo”. Pretty much that is what the example…
The idea of the VBA library is to systematize the most used self-written functions everyone is using in his daily coding life into a few modules, which may be used by anyone, who is coding for his daily bread and…
Have you ever thought how the web server acts in case that you enter an address, which does not exist? In many sites (including this one), you go to a fancy 404 page. This linking to that special page is…
In the next two – three weeks I will become back a master in Python. This is the second book received from Apress for the last week and I would really do my best to write a good review of it. Expect a review…