Month: October 2015

VBA – Interfaces in VBA How And Why?

Interfaces in VBA are something extremely rare. So far,  as a VBA developer with about 3 years of developing experience (e.g. being paid to code, and not coding for fun) I have seen only one other developer to use classes

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Angular JS – Just Another To-Do App

In the last year, I have made quite enough To-Do apps – just in I have published one with PHP with login functionality,  and I had quite a big project (about 3 days of coding from 3 coders ) here

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AngularJS – Make a scope function with Angular

In the current article, I would simply make a scope function with Angular JS. This is always useful to have in your toolbox:   Yup! The code is simple and the idea came from this app here, but mine is

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VBA – Find the Best Way Through a Matrix, going Right and Down

Have you ever tought what is the best way to go in a matrix, in order to collect as many points as possible, if you are allowed to go only to the right and down? Imagine some matrix like the yellow

VBA – Nested loops with recursion (Permutations)

There is a new article on the same subject here – Everyone knows how ugly it looks from a programming point of view to have 5 or 6 nested loops. But what can you do to avoid this? The answer

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ASP.NET Hello World with VB.NET

ASP.Net is one of the technologies, which I have not mentioned in my site. Thus, I will start mentioning it, because it is probably amongst the very few, which use still use VB. And due to some weird reason, I

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Book Review – Python Algorithms

Some month ago, I have kindly received two books from for a review. The first one was for Python Data Analytics, which I have already reviewed and the second once was Python Algorithms. Before starting the review, let me

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JavaScript – A simple calculator with lots Bootstrap

Have you ever dreamt of making the simplest application for calculating two numbers? Nope? Me also. But anyhow, I have started to make it only with JavaScript, without jQuery and it turned out to be fun after some time. That is

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XML with PHP – make links easily

I really did not think to make a post about it, but as far  as I have lost about 15 minutes in research how to do it, it is obviously that spending some 10 minutes more would be valuable. The

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AJAX – JQuery – PHP – JSON – Get data from DB with AJAX

Some time ago I have made a simple ToDo list with PHP here. Today, using its database and one function from the list, I have decided to make the todo list with Ajax. This means, that you should not refresh

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VBA – Picture in ActiveX Control from Excel

Today I have tried for some time to do the following – make a picture ActiveX controller change, following the results of a dropdown button. The problem is that the picture ActiveX controller expects a path to the picture file,

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jQuery – Build a background with changing pictures with jQuery

So, animation in jQuery is a powerful thing! 🙂 Indeed. In the current article, I will show you the code, which I have used to produce the following beautiful video. It is just a few seconds, but you may still

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jQuery – A simple game with JQuery events

Working with JQuery becomes interesting, after you get some ideas what to do and you see how easy it is to build it. Although the code below can be made about 8 times less, I have really enjoyed copying and

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