Month: November 2015

Book Review – Learn Pixi.js – Coming Soon

Another book review is coming soon! To be honest, I do not have any professional experience with JS (being paid for it), but I somehow liked the idea of getting into the PIXI.JS graphics-rendering engine. So far I have already

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VB .NET Just Another ToDo App with VitoshAcademy

So far in VitoshAcademy I have done the following ToDo apps: To Do with AngularJS To Do with PHP To Do with Python & Django It is not because I really have so much to do, but I really like

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VB .Net – Notifications for Windows Taskbar

Every user of Windows has seen the notifications on the Windows Taskbar. They are somehow not pleasant, but sometimes useful with the information they provide. If you want to make use of those in VB .Net, this article would show you how to

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Book Review – Custom SharePoint Solutions With HTML and JS – Coming Soon

Some 3 years ago I have built some SharePoint application professionally. It was really a lame application, but I use the word “professionally” because I did it as part of my paid internship at one company (if I got money

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HTA – HTML Application with Basic!

Today I found out that there is a possibility to build nice applications with Visual Basic, using HTML and CSS in them. The technology is called HTA – HTML Application and it looks pretty much as an exe file with

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VB – XML Generator with Visual Basic

So, while I am really working with VBA for the latest months, I have decided to upgrade a little and to take a look what can be done with VB .Net, hoping that some better ideas would come and I would be

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VB .NET – How to use WithEvents Example

As far as I am interesting in probabilities and similar theories in general, today I have decided to illustrate the WithEvents option in Visual Basic with the possibility to bet whether a rolled dice would be big (4,5,6) or small

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MySQL for MS Excel

Yes, it exists! Today, I somehow managed to install it from here. This is how it looks like: Just a small icon in the Excel data tab. Once you click, you are asked to make the connection with the DB. Due

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VB.NET – Build a small teasing game with VB

The game is indeed small, and really teasing… Actually, it has no interface, no gameplay, nothing. It can be used by professional CS players to train their mouses and brains. Or just to break their keyboard, if they are really

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