Category: Python

Python code examples

Using NumPy for Simulations

Learn how to use NumPy for simulations in this tutorial by Alvaro Fuentes, a data scientist with an M.S. in quantitative economics and applied mathematics with more than 10 years of experience in analytical roles. NumPy, also known as Python’s vectorization solution,

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Hashing Passwords in Python


Learn how passwords can be stored without a risk of leaking them in this tutorial by Alessandro Molina, a Python developer since 2001 and currently the core developer of the TurboGears2 web framework and maintainer of Beaker Caching/Session framework.While cryptography is

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Python – Write Values in all Worksheets of existing Excel File

Working with VBA is usually not considered high level of programming. Still, when it comes to Excel, this is probably the best solution. However, Python has some libraries which can help a bit, if you are willing to “mimic” the

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Run Python Functions From Excel With VBA with Shell through CommandPrompt

Selecting Python for a “weapon” of choice has many positive points, which I am not going to describe now. Still, if you want to run python code with the help of VBA and the Shell through the CommandPrompt of Windows,

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How to Search In Excel Worksheet with Python

Working with Python and Excel together is really fun for a VBA Developer! It somehow shows you what all these years of coding with VBA have taught you! Today, I was thinking how to implement the .Find() method of searching in

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Python – Simple writing in Excel with XlsWriter

The XlsxWriter library of Python is a nice gem for a VBA developer – you would be really interested to see the problems a Python developer should be facing, just to achieve a simple part Excel automatization. Still, these are

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DevOps Conference in coming – time to install Python on my machine

In less than 4 days I would be travelling to Berlin to see what is happening on the DevOpsCon there. I will be present for a whole day workshop for machine learning with Python, thus I have decided that it

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Book Review – Python Algorithms

Some month ago, I have kindly received two books from for a review. The first one was for Python Data Analytics, which I have already reviewed and the second once was Python Algorithms. Before starting the review, let me

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Book Review – Python Data Analytics – Coming soon

A new book review is coming in the next weeks – I have noticed the Python books of Apress some time ago and today I was provided with a paper copy for a review.   The review is yet to come!

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Python – Algorithm from CodeForces – Bears and Blocks

Hello party people! 🙂 Today I was wondering whether I have forgotten to code in Python after 4 weeks of coding marathon in VBA and I have decided to try a small portion of the weekly challenge from CodeForces! So, the

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Python – Algorithm – Calculate Average distance with Dijkstra

In the current article I will try to solve a problem for calculation of average distance with Dijkstra, given in contest here in pdf. What is the problem like? We have n weighted graphs like this: For each given graph,

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Python Algorithms – Maximum combinations of coins

Sometimes complicated algorithms are really easy to be written down. The current problem is solved in 6 lines of code (from line 5 to line 11), but it you need to put effort to understand how the algorithm works and what are

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Python Algorithms – Full Dijkstra is stunning again

Yesterday I have spent some hours, trying to resolve one problem for shortest paths. The problem was coming from HackBulgaria and was somehow similar to these two problems here: Get the shortest path in a weighted graph with Dijkstra Dijkstra for

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Python – Calculating words in matrix – contest problem

Today I was looking into the following problem for word counter in python from Hack Bulgaria: You are given a rectangular table filled with characters and a word. Your task is to count the occurrences of the word in the

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Python – Dijkstra algorithm for all nodes

In this article I will present the solution of a problem for finding the shortest path on a weighted graph, using the Dijkstra algorithm for all nodes. The problem is formulated by HackBulgaria here. Pretty much, you are given a

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Python – Usage of a Binary Tree with List in Python

After the article here, concerning the building of the binary trees and their usefulness, today I will show how to use these trees in action 🙂 Imagine that we have the following problem, used in Implement a program in

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Python – Build a binary tree list in python

Binary trees are really useful, if you are solving an algorithmic problem. They consists of nodes (a.k.a vertices) and edges. Thus, each node has two edges, which are leading to another node. Something like this: The above tree is a simple random non-balanced

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Python – Algorithm Challenge – First Day At School

Yesterday, I have started to solve problems from a challenging Russian site for programming competitions. Today, I have decided to spend about 30 minutes on another problem, which seemed easy, but I am already spending hours on it, without being able

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Python – Algorithms About Palindromes

About 3 weeks ago, I have enlisted myself in some course for algorithms. There, one of the guys mentioned a web site for web contests and I have decided to take a look. The site is called and the

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Python – ABC analysis for linguists in Django

How did it all start? When I was a student at the University of Sofia, I had to translate about 100 pages of the Greek Military Codex, which was quite an unpleasant task (if someone claims the opposite – run away from

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Python Algoritm – Insertion Sort with Python

As I have already mentioned, the following 2 months I will be dealing with algorithms! Thus, I have enlisted myself in a course for them and I will be spamming my site constantly with some useful (mainly for me) stuff

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Python3.4 – Advanced Reading from Files

About 15 weeks ago, I was making my first steps in Python (sometimes it is a pity that I do not have dates on my articles, but I like it this way).  During my first steps, once I had the

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Python – Encryption and Decryption of a message

This month I have finished with my Python course in HackBulgaria, thus I have decided to continue with a course, called Algorithms.  The course had a requirement of three tasks, which should be resolved in a reasonable time. The first one

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Python Algorithms – Stable Matching Problem

Some time ago I started to interest myself in algorithms. Thus, I bought 2 books about them and I started to read 🙂 The first problem in the first book was explaining the Stable Matching Problem. The essence of the problem is that

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Python Django – How to add css to django application

So, some time ago I have started to create apps in Django with Python. It is really fun and amazing, what one can achieve with this package 🙂 E.g., I have generated a small app, counting words and analyzing their repeatability,

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Python – Send e-mails with Python

Sending e-mail through the internet is quite a trivial trick in many programming languages. Some time ago, I have shown how to send MS Excel range as an e-mail and how to send a mail through VBA, with HTML. As far

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Python – SQL Alchemy or plain SQL ?

Using SQL in Python reminded me of the “fun” I used to have in VBA MS Access, when I had to concatenate strings in VBA. Probably I was not the only one having “fun” and enjoying it, thus some good and

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Python / Sqlite3 – Make a DB with Python

Some time ago, I have built something like a primitive SQL language for C# here. Today, I have worked on a similar task, checking the powers of Sqlite3 with Python. This time it was not that primitive and the results were better

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Python – Crawling the top 50 sites from Bulgaria for their servers

Have you ever wondered on what servers the top 50 most visited Bulgarian sites run? That is definitely an interesting question, if you are Bulgarian IT admin and you have pretty much free time 🙂 Anyway, as far as I am

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Python – Who follows you at GitHub?

Who follows you? Who follows your followers? And who follows the followers of your followers? And what about the next level? These are pretty interesting question actually. With easy answers, if you are interested only in GitHub. The GitHub team have provided

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